Being regularly connected and engaged with one another as a couple is the foundation of a mindful relationship. It is a habit that requires daily attention, as it’s so easy to become preoccupied with the daily stress of life, creating a slippery slope toward apathy and estrangement.

Too many relationships look like this:

You begin the day in a hurry to get out the door to your jobs or other obligations. You may talk or text once or twice very briefly during the eight-hour day. You come home to more obligations and demands, like tending to kids, running errands, and preparing dinner. You eat a quick meal in front of the TV, clean the dishes, surf the net, or do a few more chores, then head to bed exhausted, having conversed very little with one another about anything meaningful.

Being connected and engaged means spending one-on-one time together daily?talking, discussing your hopes and dreams, and sharing your concerns of the day. It means being fully present with your partner when you are talking together, listening attentively without distraction or preoccupation. You must have this foundation of connectedness in place in order to work as a fully committed team.

If one or both of you is disconnecting in the relationship and not making daily time for one another, then right now is not too soon to recognize this problem and the potential it has for damaging your love, trust, and intimacy 먹튀검증업체.

Says Dr. John Gottman in his book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, “Our lab studies indicate that these emotionally distant couples do divorce?but they split after an average of 16 years …” Disengagement is a slow-working poison that erodes the ties that bind you together.

Why is it that couples become disconnected and disengaged from one another? Why do they begin to pull apart and live more like roommates than true love partners?

Often jobs, children, and other life responsibilities get in the way of making time to spend together as a couple. We are so tired and overwhelmed that we put the one person who should be prioritized on the back burner.

Disengagement can also stem from feelings of boredom, hopelessness, or frustration within the relationship. It only takes one person to disengage for the poison to spread and infect the relationship. Eventually the person trying to engage and seeking engagement from the other will give up.

So what does full and loving engagement involve? Here are some of the ways you show engagement to one another:

-understanding and embracing your partner’s vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and pain

-helping and supporting your partner to grow beyond those weaknesses and feel safe and loved

-having a willingness to share your own vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and pain

-practicing active and reflective listening

-striving for emotionally mature communication and conflict resolution

-initiating physical and emotional presence on a daily basis

-showing physical affection and intimacy

-reconnecting through fun, play, and shared interests

-making proactive efforts to stay connected when physically separated

-consciously placing the relationship in high priority over work, hobbies, and other life distractions

-having a willingness and desire to grow as a person, to seek personal evolution, and to invite your partner to grow and share with you in this

-having a willingness to forgive and ask for forgiveness

-Of course, much of the connection and engagement in a relationship is personal and specific to the two people involved. You know it when you feel it and see it. You remember how it felt at the beginning of the relationship when you were both deeply intertwined, and you can draw from those memories to find the ways you want to connect again.

How to Develop This Habit

Can a relationship come back from a period of disengagement? Yes, it is possible to reignite your closeness, learn to open up with one another, and engage in activities that will foster greater intimacy and connection.

The best place to begin with this habit is by assessing where you and your partner might be disconnecting or feeling apathetic in your relationship.

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