This exercise will help you connect with and embody your horizon self, the version of you that will help you accomplish your goals. It will assist you in developing new patterns of thought and behavior that are aligned with who you want to be. This exercise is for anyone that needs to personify specific qualities in order to find the success they desire.

Great for:

  •  People that have a big goal but are have difficulty doing what it takes to reach it.
  •  People that need help overcoming a challenge or a problem.
  •  People that want to tap into new personality traits to accomplish their goals.


Have you ever wished that someone else could magically step into your body and take over during those pivotal moments of your life when it really counts? Here’s an exercise to unstick you and connect you to the exact version of yourself that you would need to be to move powerfully towards your most important goals. I call this your Horizon Self 먹튀검증커뮤니티.

When I was a kid I loved the TV show Quantum Leap. It was the story of brilliant scientist Sam Beckett who theorized that time travel was possible inside his own lifetime and stepped into something called the “quantum leap accelerator” and vanished. What happened was that his consciousness was thrust back in time into other people’s bodies, into other people’s lives.

It turned out that Sam always jumped into the body of someone who was in a pivotal moment in their life. It was then up to him to change the past (space-time continuum be damned!) by taking some action that these people could not take on their own.

I have certainly had moments of my life where I wished that someone could jump into my body and set some things right. One day I noticed something about that line of thinking which led to many breakthroughs and to this exercise. What I noticed was that there was a part of me that believed that the right person could step into my life and achieve the great things that I didn’t believe I could achieve on my own.

Prior to this thought I had been buying into a story that said I didn’t have what I wanted in life because I didn’t have enough of something. Not enough money, time, energy, support, etc. Believing that someone could step into my life, into my circumstances, and just through having a different perspective and some other skills or experiences, accomplish what I could not meant that I had to drop those other excuses.

Once I dropped into this realization I was able to fully get what Tony Robbins says “It’s not the lack of resources, (but rather) it’s your lack of resourcefulness that stops you.” I imagined that if I were to drop Tony Robbins into my body, in my life, that he’d be a millionaire impacting countless people by the end of the month. I imagined that if I were to drop four-time CrossFit Games winner Rich Froning into my body and my life that I would be on my way to a much higher fitness level by the end of the month.

If these things were true (they felt true) and using someone else’s mindset could help me better achieve my dreams from my current position in life, then perhaps all I needed to do was change my own mindset.

This is not a new thought but seeing it from this angle made it feel new to me. The thing was, it’s one thing to believe that someone else can do the things we dream of, it’s another thing to see ourselves as capable of reaching our dreams, especially if we don’t have any sort of track record that allows that kind of belief in ourselves.

I realized that it would be more empowering to shift my mindset by imagining the best version of me rather than visualizing someone else stepping into my body. So I asked myself, “Who is the version of me that could powerfully handle the challenge in front of me?”

Imagining an infinite set of realities where versions of you have gone down every conceivable path and played every available role is a fun mental exercise that allows this exercise to help you achieve your goals. If you can imagine the you who not only could, but already has, overcome the challenges you are currently facing, you can have them “Quantum Leap” into your current reality and take care of your challenge or goal. If you can imagine a version of you who has developed into the person who took your life and turned it into the life of your dreams, then you can imagine yourself doing it now too.

So here is how to tap into your Horizon Self and get them working for you now.

Firstly, imagine a time beyond the successful completion of the challenge in front of you. If your current challenge is tied to a larger one, imagine having that larger challenge successfully completed.

Complete the following prompts in order as thoroughly as you need:

1. “If this challenge were already successfully dealt with I would have…”:

(More money? Happiness? Love? Improved Fitness?)

2. “In order to get there I had to take these actions…”

(Write as many actions as you can think of and then put them in order from the next action you would have to take from the present moment, until that one immediately before completion. *Bonus points for TAKING that first action immediately after completing this exercise.)

3. “Having accomplished this goal I got to be…”

(Who do you imagine you would be if you accomplished this goal? Would you be happier, more fulfilled, more calm, more grateful, and appreciative? Write it all down.)

4. “In order to have accomplished that goal I needed to be…”

(What traits would you have to take on in order to accomplish your goal? Would you need to be consistent, resilient, relaxed, playful, determined?)

So now what you have is a list of personality traits that you would need to be to move on the path towards your goals as well as the qualities that you would have when you achieved them. This is the description of your Horizon Self, the version of you who has already achieved what you want to achieve.
At this point it’s important to breathe and take a moment to visualize your Horizon Self and choose. Will you allow this version to take over? Will you let go of the familiar and embrace a new way of doing things? If yes, then picture this more developed and experienced version of you joining forces with you to hit your Horizon Goals.

Now, it’s up to you to embody the traits you’ve laid out and to bring those qualities to the actions you’ve listed. If you are being the person who can reach your goals and taking the actions that point you in their direction, you will be set up to reach your goals.

Just keep asking WWMHSD? (What Would MY Horizon Self Do?). Trust in them, trust in yourself, and act from that place. It’s that simple.

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