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Premature Ejaculation: Causes & Techniques To Control

May. 2, 2019 by

Causes of premature ejaculation The premature ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction that affects 30% of men and leads it ejaculates quickly and prematurely during sexual intercourse. It can be mild if the ejaculation occurs between 3 and 8 minutes after the initiation of

Premature Ejaculation – Regain Control

Apr. 7, 2019 by

The Ejaculation is the most consulted sexual dysfunction at sexologist clinic in Delhi. It is characterized by a lack of voluntary control over ejaculation that very negatively affects the couple’s sexual life. The person who suffers Premature Ejaculation does not get to enjoy their sexual relations, feels

Premautre Ejaculation: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options

Feb. 23, 2019 by

If there are topics that are not talked about, those are the ones related to sexuality. And, of course, much less is there talk about the problems and dysfunctions that can affect our sexual life, which helps to increase the stigma and suffering

Advances in Male Sexual Health

Jan. 19, 2019 by

Currently, the advances obtained in medicine and more specifically in the issue of sexuality, have given rise to a series of drugs, based mainly on the recovery of male sexual potency. Products like Viagra, we have them at our disposal, in a simple, discreet and