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If I Didn’t Have an Erection, Do I Have Erectile Dysfunction?

Jan. 7, 2022 by

Yes, it happened, you couldn’t maintain an erection. Now your thoughts are flying everywhere… surely you wonder what happens, what your partner will say and even if you can have children. But, before you dive into that storm of thoughts,


Jan. 6, 2022 by

Sex, in addition to being a pleasant activity, is an excellent source of health benefits. Among which can be included the reduction of stress and cholesterol, strengthening the cardiovascular system, improving sleep, circulation and has an analgesic effect. In addition,

Increasing overweight threatens sexual life

Dec. 29, 2021 by

The increase in overweight in the population threatens sexual life because this factor reduces the production of testosterone, affects libido and multiplies cases of erectile dysfunction, according to the sexologist in Delhi. The latest National Health Survey reveals that 17%

Premature Ejaculation – Most Common Men’s Health Problem

Nov. 21, 2021 by

Surely you have heard of Premature ejaculation. Many men have this problem and are often confused with the issue of “spending less time in bed.” Premature ejaculation is a problem that occurs when ejaculation occurs persistently and continuously before or after

Erectile Dysfunction – Can occur in anyone

Sep. 25, 2021 by

Although erectile dysfunction is most common in people over the age of 65, it can develop at any age. Its intermittent, rare occurrence alone is not considered pathological, it can occur with anyone. Erectile dysfunction affects the lives of many middle-aged

Decline in sexual power: how to help yourself?

Sep. 22, 2021 by

They say a good sex life means ten percent of a relationship and a bad one 90 percent. Sexuality is even more important for a healthy relationship, but more and more couples, both women and men, are facing a decline

Myths related to premature ejaculation

Sep. 8, 2021 by

Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction in men and can have a particularly detrimental effect on the satisfaction and quality of a functioning relationship between both a man and his sexual partners. The subject is still taboo in the

Peyronie’s Disease – What causes the curve of the penis

Sep. 3, 2021 by

Peyronie’s disease, or curved penis, is a syndrome that can be congenital or appears later in life. The latter occurs when there is minor damage to the penis, these lesions of the bladder tissue eventually causing the penis to curl. Many men

What are the most common sexual problems in men?

Sep. 1, 2021 by

Most people experience some form of sexual difficulty at some point in their lives. According to sexologist in Delhi, India, in men, most common problems are often caused by difficulties in achieving a sufficiently hard and lasting erection or pressure to control

When To Go To A Sexologist

Aug. 28, 2021 by

Sex is the most important and vital part of a couple. It’s a wonderful moment that fun has to be complete. If this does not happen and the person does not enjoy it, it will cause problems for the couple. Given this,