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Posted by on September 13, 2019

You may have the mindset that each dog at your local shelter or pet store is a cuddly creature who will keep you warm at night. However, the dog you get may have a drastically different personality. No matter what, you have the job of taking care of your dog, and the piece below shows you how.

Make your home dog proof. It should be perfectly safe before you bring a dog in. Secure the trashcan, stow way all medications and put away your regular cleaning supplies. Many common types of houseplants can be toxic, so it pays to eliminate or move them.

Obviously, dogs are unable to sleep. Therefore, you have to pay attention to your canine’s non-verbal cues. If you notice that your dog is timid around strangers or other dogs, you should not attempt to force its interaction with them. This may lead to someone being bitten. Look for your dog’s nonverbal cues and react accordingly.

If you take your dog with you on vacation, keep a photo of him on your phone. This will be helpful should he get lost.

Be wary of the flea treatment you’re going to use on your dog. Some of them contain chemicals that can increase the risk of cancer in children, and are 1,000 times as strong as the safe levels recommended by the EPA. Talk to a vet about safe alternatives and keep little kids away when applying any flea treatment.

Reward your dog for doing right things, such as sitting while you place its food down, with lots of praise and attention. This is to let the dog know that you want more of that behavior. This also shows the dog that good behavior will earn praise.

Do not overlook your dog’s bad behavior. Ignoring it for any length of time will only make it that much more difficult to contain later and you never know what could happen because of it now. Your dog might hurt someone else, or you, so take steps to control him early on.

Make sure that your dog’s nails are trimmed weekly. If you neglect your dog’s nails, they will be in discomfort. It is easy to purchase a pair of clippers and attend to these yourself. If your dog does not respond, well when you try to trim the nails, a groomer or even your veterinarian can handle the task.

Teach your dog the proper way to walk while on a leash. Your pet should not be ahead of you, behind you, or anywhere that isn’t by your side. They should also answer correctly when you say “heel”. If you walk in this way, you will be sure that your pet is safe so that your walks are more enjoyable. Regardless of how you intend to take your walks, this is a good command for your dog to know.

If you have just one dog who spends lots of time alone, consider getting a friend dog. Dogs love to be social and hate to be alone. Choose a friend for your dog that has the same energy level and temperament and you will make your dog very happy.

Remember that too many people training your dog can mess up the training. Everyone has their own methods, and experiencing a number of them can leave your pooch confused. Pick a single person to be responsible for all training, and let others support the decisions made by demanding the same standards of behavior from the dog.

Make sure that you are keeping up with your dog’s vet appointments. The vet can spot things like thyroid problems, kidney issues and diabetes way before you detect it. Annual physicals for dogs can spare owners many unnecessary expenses down the road and the animal a lot of unnecessary suffering in the meantime.

Dogs can get a cut on their foot if they step on glass or debris. If your dog gets a cut, make sure that it is washed with antiseptic and then have a bandage wrapped around the wound. If the cut seems deep, visit your vet.

You have just been given a Veterinarians Tulsa full of good advice- do not throw it away. Apply it on a regular basis, and you will see your relationship with your dog improve. Your happy dog will show you unconditional love.


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