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Posted by on November 6, 2019

What is Problem Solving skills

When employers talk about problem-solving skills, they often mention the ability to handle difficult or unexpected situations in the workplace, as well as professional business challenges. Organizations rely on people who can assess both types of situations and calmly identify solutions. Problem-solving skills are traits that enable you to do this. While problem-solving skills are valued by employers, they are also highly useful in other areas of life such as relationship building and day-to-day decisions.

What are the Problem-solving skills and why it's important for everyone

Understanding the key components involved in problem-solving will help you to enhance this skill set and exemplify your expertise to employers. Strong problem solver is a valuable addition to any team.

The Four Stages of Problem-Solving

You can use many different methods for problem-solving, but you will usually work through four different steps, no matter which path you take. Understanding each step of the process will help you improve your problem skills so that you can be better served along your journey toward a smart, practical solution.

  1. Define the Problem: Identify the problem you are dealing with. Look closely at the problem area to create a detailed image of what is wrong. Analyze the behavior of your employees, policies of workplace and operating procedures. At this point, keep your focus on the problem, and urge the problem to be defined in terms of a solution. For example, “We need to improve training processes” speaks for more solutions to the problem. “Sales documentation is incompatible” defines the better issues.
  2. Brainstorm Alternatives: Brainstorm Alternatives is one of the most important problem-solving stages. This requires a careful balance of creativity and logical thinking. Compare all possible options. Analyze the money, time, staff, and resources required for each approach as well as the return you can expect from different strategies.
  3. Choose the Best Strategy: It is necessary to take strong decisions at this stage. After carefully considering all your options, you should choose the best strategy for your problem and stick to your choice. Employees who struggle or struggle for a single plan do not solve a good problem because they get stuck at this essential point in the process.
  4. Implement Your Solution: Implementation is an important peak of the problem-solving process. This is where you prepare an action plan, share it with the appropriate personnel, and follow up with your chosen approach.

Essential Skills for Successful Problem-Solving

Problem-solving may seem straightforward at first glance, but there are many employees who stumble across one or more key stages when they fail to successfully resolve workplace issues. Successful problem-solving requires many important skills that will help you move efficiently from identification to implementation.

In the early stages of problem-solving, you must have strong observation skills. Instead of accepting issues at face value, you need to demonstrate lateral thinking and analytical abilities. These will help you to properly assess what is happening and indicate the root cause of the problem.

When you explore possible solutions to the problem, you must demonstrate persistence. Finding the right approach to the problem will not come easily. Innovative thinking will serve you well. Employees who know how to use their creative thinking features will excel in the second and third stages of problem-solving, as they are able to come up with approaches that others have overlooked.

Implementing your solution requires your own skill set. This usually requires a careful balance of teamwork and leadership. You will need to show flexibility to withstand the inevitable pushback from colleagues who resist change. At this point both communication and interaction are important. Once you implement your solution, you will need to use critical thinking and attention to assess the outcome as you bend your strategy to solve the problem successfully and change your strategy as needed Huh.

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Honing Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills are important in every industry. There is no business that is immune to the regular onslaught of problems. Business managers and office managers can find almost every aspect of their daily routine centers around some type of problem-solving. When you are in a management position, one of the most important tasks you do is handling the issues of the day ahead for your employees.

Improving your problem solving skills will give you a distinct edge over a management job and other positions within your company. You can enhance your problem solving skills:

  • Practicing mind activities like mind mapping
  • Accepting everyday issues with a “what if” mentality, regularly testing new approaches
  • Keeping an idea journal where you jot down all your ideas, no matter what is out-of-the-box
  • Working through games like logic puzzles and sudoku
  • Follow industry publications covering the latest software and strategies for common issues

Demonstrating Problem-Solving on Your Resume

Just stating “problem-solving skills” on your resume is not enough. You really need to explain what kind of problem-skills are you excel at and show specific examples of how you have used these skills in previous positions.

When you are demonstrating your problem-solving skills on a resume, you should pay close attention to how you identified the problem, developed a solution, and implemented this strategy.

Some examples of strong problem-solving include:

  1. Strategically placed railings on the production floor reduced security violations by 30 percent
  2. Customer satisfaction ratings increased by 20 percent by developing new scripts to address common questions
  3. Cut shipping expenses by 10 percent with customized software solutions

Make it clear that you saw a problem relevant to your department, find an innovative way to solve it and achieve measurable results with your chosen strategy. Problem-solving performance is important for which position you are applying for. In customer service, you solve the problem every time to deal with a difficult customer. As an accountant, you are problem-solving ways to cut costs and increase revenue. Contractors resolve issues that seem inaccessible to a construction location given to a client’s requests. You are always problem-solving. Make sure that potential employers can see that you are good at it.

Problem solving skills are as diverse as those applied to issues. However, all use the same basic approach to identify the best problem solvers and solve problems, including the skills described here to take advantage of successful results. Make sure you track your problem-solving successes, measure results, and include them in your resume, so hiring managers will have no trouble identifying you as a strong problem solver.

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