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kidney failure

Treatments for kidney failure: what are the options?

Jul. 17, 2022 by

The kidneys are organs of utmost importance to our body. They are responsible for filtering our blood, eliminating toxins, and for controlling the chemical and liquid balance in our body. When something does not go well, a condition of kidney

Kidney Failure And Treatment Options

Mar. 26, 2020 by

What is kidney failure? Renal failure is the deterioration of renal function. The disease can be chronic or acute. It is a chronic disease if the loss of kidney function sets in slowly and develops for more than three months,

Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure: Symptoms and Treatment

Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure: Symptoms and Treatment

Feb. 1, 2020 by

Kidney failure is the inability of the kidneys to filter the blood, eliminating bad substances, such as urea or creatinine, for example, that can accumulate in the body when the kidneys are not working well. Renal failure can be acute

Kidney Transplant: How it works and What are the risks?

Kidney Transplant: How it works and What are the risks?

Jan. 22, 2020 by

Kidney transplant in Delhi aims to restore renal function by replacing a sick kidney with a healthy kidney from a healthy and compatible donor. Generally, kidney transplantation is used as a acute renal failure treatment in Delhi or in the case of patients