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Posted by on May 20, 2020

Till tomorrow, there exist difference of opinion from scientists as to the efficacy of daily supplements and multivitamins. Maybe or maybe not, a lot of people have adopted them for boosting and maintaining their healthy lifestyle. Others take supplements such as minerals, irons or vitamins, to fill in the nutritional gap in their diet.

According to Dr. David Jenkins of St. Michael’s Hospital at the university of Toronto: “We are surprised to find so few positive effects of the most common supplements that people consume. Although the review found that moderate taking possess no harm, ” there is no apparent advantage either”. He said.

Before adding supplements to your daily regimen, do you know supplements’ effectiveness is a subject of controversy? while they are generally said to help maintain wellbeing, some people still doubt the efficacy and believe they are just a waste of time and money. So, do supplements really work?

The Facts

Experts are divided on the extent of benefit supplements can offer, while some studies show supplements to be helpful in sustaining good health, others results show they are useless, if not dangerous.

A major problem is that many supplements do not come from natural food sources, i.e. they are synthetic, which means they hold lesser nutritional value as natural source to the body and at best and at worst are actively harmful. Even though labeled as natural, researches have shown that about 90% of supplement are laboratory synthesized.

On controlled testing, some supplements that are believed to be wonder-workers in observational studies are found out not to be only ineffective but sometimes harmful.

Taking omega-3; – the appraised alternative to consuming oily fish – as an example, this lauded capsule believed to produce the fatty acid essential to the does nothing to prevent stroke and reduce heart disease. This means that most exciting studies of supplement are observational with not solid backing. Hence when they undergo a randomized controlled trial, the evidences are mostly at odd with the results of observational findings.

Most people who consume dietary supplements are people who tends to be very health conscious, do more exercises, take healthier diet and live a vigilant life. Hence, observational studies cannot totally be relied upon to substantiate the efficacy of most supplements.

Likewise, Certain, not all group of people can benefit from supplements, they include young children, vegan, pregnant women and aged people. E.g. As people age, the level of vitamin D drops, which may lead to heart disease and lack of energy, so elderly people may need this supplements. And many more…, you can find more facts about supplements at

Supplements Work by Helping Not Preventing

According to some experts, supplements have no significant health benefit to healthy people, they can only be helpful to people who are already suffering deficiency a disease or illness.

As an instance: as widely believed, symptoms of common cold can be relieved by taking vitamin C. But Vitamin C can’t prevent you from getting common cold. It only helps in fighting the cold after you’ve already have it.

The verdict

With the points above, it’s indeed clear that the problem is not with supplements, rather some directly and indirectly related circumstances that need to be taken care of. And whenever they are, YES, supplements do work as supplements if manufactured, selected and taken right.



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