Imagine for a moment, a yacht. The on-page elements represent the sails and the ropes above water. Now imagine the technical elements of SEO are everything below the water line: the hull and the cabin. So you could have your sails blowing, and your knots tied correctly, but if there’s a hole in the bottom of your boat you’re not going to get very far. When it comes to choosing keywords, it’s important that they are not too specific or too broad. One thing’s for sure though, Google is getting smarter. It’s now much harder to take shortcuts or to pull the wool over its eyes and cheat your way to the top – you have to earn your place. Remember, great quality and lengthy content will work best, both for users and search engines. Studies have shown that long content consistently ranks higher than thin content. Consistency is crucial; maintain a regular publishing schedule. Do some keyword research and create a list of all the keywords for which you want to be ranked on search engines. Sort this list by priority or relevance to your business. And divide the words into “transactional” or “informational” keywords. Transactional keywords include a clear user intention to such as “buy red sneakers.” Informational keywords, in contrast, focus on obtaining information. Buyers are in this phase, for example, when they want to know more about a product before they buy it.
SEO marketing can be a very powerful tool for generating massive passive traffic. But if you use it incorrectly, you’ll end up doing more harm than benefit. You need to see things from your customers’ point of view and, more importantly, you need to write the things that appeal to their viewpoint. The more popular and important a site is, the more links from that site matter. A site like Wikipedia has thousands of diverse sites linking to it, which means it’s probably a popular and important site. Even though Google search is not the be all and end all to business, having a site that ranks well for commonly searched for key terms helps greatly. SEO is a long-term commitment that offers long-term results. Know that good SEO isn’t going to take a few days and you won’t see huge results in weeks. SEO takes months, but the benefits last for years.
Reviews are an important factor for SEO. They help potential customers trying to decide whether to trust you. If your local business has a Google+ page and is marked on Google Maps, you need to have reviews. The best thing you can do is encourage your customers to leave reviews if they’re satisfied with your service. Try offering them an incentive, such as a small discount if they click on a link and leave a review. Mobile SEO should always be a work in progress because there are always new things to improve. Also, technologies arrive or get discarded. Sites built around user interaction and sharing have made it easier to match interested groups of people up with relevant content. So, how does Google determine site quality? The authority of the website or webpage linking to your site is also key. A few high authority links are far more valuable then many from low quality sites. SEO will never die! Aslong as the web is around, people will need to search to find what they want, and some algorithm will control what gets served up first.
Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: “Competitor Analysis can help you to identify links, ads and other tools which are working well on other websites. Then, if similar stuff will have equally positive results on your own website, you don’t have to go very far to find inspiration and create your own content. It won’t always work for you if it works for them, but it just might.” Do your maths – its one of the primary resources for this sort of thing.Google is getting smarter – to the point of becoming an AI with a LOT of personal information about its uses. Google is increasingly understanding what content actually means, rather than just what it says You should not try to‘trick’ Google. The content on your siteshould be organized in a logical way. This is not only good for SEO, it also helps visitors on your site find other related content easily. (The longer they stay on your site, the better.) Design your site for all device types and sizes, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Use the mobile friendly testing tool to test how well your pages work on mobile devices, and get feedback on what needs to be fixed. SEOs have tried many ways to sneak in links. One of the more creative ways was to embed a link into an infographic. When people would copy the infographic because they liked it, they were also copying links. Widgets were also used this way. No one appreciates them.
Search engine optimization should be a part of a website for its lifetime, continuously improving its ability to make a brand (and its content) be more visible and to create a better experience for users. Appropriate use of headers are not only helpful to the reader in structuring and breaking up content, but they also let Google know what the key information on that page is and what is most important. Expanding your online operation into a new market? Want to ensure that your website is ready for a different language and/or region? You will need to ensure that your website is well optimised for International SEO. You’ve got to understand that authority, niche-specific and generic blogs that publish related content can do the same. Use sub-directories rather than sub-domains when possible. Sub-domains do not share link love from the main domain as it is treated as a different domain.
Content is king when it comes to SEO. You can’t have an SEO campaign without content; it’s the fuel that makes SEO work. It’s important to quickly address reputation management because as part of the evaluation process Google will analyze what other people say about your website. SEO isn’t an exact science. Unfortunately, Google hasn’t given us a comprehensive list of ranking factors. Considering that Google has around 200 major ranking factors, and as many as 10,000 sub-signals, we can’t possibly know every single aspect of their algorithm. To keep search engines from ignoring your site, only use original content. Copying and pasting product descriptions from your merchant’s site may save you time, but it will also lower your site’s page ranking. To assure your page rank remains high, take the time to write your own content. If you don’t have time to write, hire a copywriter to create original content for you. Internal SEO isn’t just about keywords anymore; it’s about creating an authentic and engaging user experience.