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Posted by on April 9, 2019


The following post is regarding vitamin D. It is one of the essential vitamins which must be administered properly. Its deficiency can cause severe various health issues. That results in weaker bones and other maladies. Read the following post and get your vitamin D checked. You can also order your Vitamin D supplements online. Opt for the Amazon discount coupons to save money on every order.

Vitamin D is also called as the sunshine vitamin. It is a fat-soluble vitamin which is highly essential. It is stored in the fatty tissue and doesn’t require regular intake. However, its deficiency can lead to severe illnesses. It belongs to the family of D1, D2 and D3 compounds.

Different Types of Vitamin D:

  • D2 which is ergocalciferol
  • D3 which is cholecalciferol
  • Vitamin D2 + D3 which is calciferol
  • When vitamin D is written without a subscript, it can be D2 and D3

Understanding the importance of Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is one of the essential vitamins. It helps in absorbing calcium and phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus are highly critical for bone structure. They are also necessary for maintaining perfect dentures. It also aids in healthy immune system functioning. It fights with diseases in association with other vitamins. It plays a crucial role in mood regulation. It also wards off depression. Vitamin D also boosts weight loss. It is one of the essential vitamins for lactating mothers.

Ways to keep your vitamin D levels perfect:

Vitamin D is ubiquitous and is readily available. Sun exposure is one of the best and easiest methods. It is available in the generic food items we eat regularly. The main vegetarian food items include almond milk, rice, fortified cereals, and dairy. Non-vegetarian food items include cod liver oil, oily fish, pork and eggs. Tofu is also a perfect source of vitamin D. However; you can take supplements as well. They come as a group of 4 or 5 tablets in one course.

Diseases caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D are:

  • Rickets
  • Osteomalacia


It is a well-known and widespread disease. It is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D. It leads to impeded growth and weak bones. The soft and deformed bones are another characteristic. The lack of calcium is also the leading cause. Mostly, children are affected by this disease.


The deficiency of Vitamin D also causes Osteomalacia. It leads to softening of bones. This, in turn, leads to various health issues such as the bending of the spine and fragile bones, etc. The Proximal muscle weakness and frequent aches in the body are also caused by it.

The requisite dose of Vitamin D:

There is no use of taking excessive supplements. Every age group and every gender has a different requirement. Read the following section for understanding the vitamin D dosage. Please ensure to consult a physician before starting the supplements.

Vitamin D requirement for children and teenagers is 600 IU. For the adults less than 70 years it is 600 to 670 IU. Adults, more than 70 years of age need 800 IU. Vitamin D requirement for lactating and pregnant women is 600 IU.

What happens when you take excessive Vitamin D?

The excess dosage of vitamin D can cause hypercalcemia. The main symptoms are nausea, anorexia, vomiting and also brings nervousness, polyuria, and insomnia. Inexplicable weakness is predominant in the patients. Severe depression, mental retardation, and sudden weight loss occur.

Hence, the careful administration of vitamin D supplement is crucial. Always consult a physician before starting the supplements at Practo. Always opt for good quality supplements. You can order your supplements online as well. Use the Practo coupon code for saving money on every order.


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