Did you know that erectile dysfunction can be the first symptom of an unrecognized cardiovascular disease?
The explanation lies in the fact that erectile dysfunction (hereinafter referred to as ED) and vascular disease are a number of common risk factors (eg smoking, hypertension, diabetes, blood lipid disorders, alcohol abuse.). The connection point is the disease of the blood vessel wall, atherosclerosis.
The ED therapy include real medical success stories in recent years.
The more knowledge and experience is accumulated, the more medical specialties become “interested” in the erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi, which has been shamefully silenced so far.
These specializations include sexologist in Delhi, cardiology (cardiology), neurology, and diabetology.
Diabetes increases the development of erectile dysfunction to the greatest extent, smoking is about twice the risk, and fat metabolism disorder also increases the risk of developing ED by just as much. High blood pressure alone increases the risk, but certain medications used to treat it also adversely affect potency.
Recognizing the connection between at-risk groups is of paramount importance when it comes to erectile dysfunction in the sexologist clinic in Delhi. It may reveal previously unrecognized cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
If at least three or more cardiovascular risk factors are present in a patient with erectile dysfunction who does not otherwise have cardiovascular symptoms, a detailed cardiac examination is recommended.
As a result, not only will the erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi become safer, but nowadays, the screening and early prevention of the leading cardiovascular death in our country will also be given more space!
The other part of the patients are already known cardiovascular patients. Sex is associated with well-known physical exertion. This does not mean that e.g. a patient who has had a heart attack cannot complete his life with sexual pleasures. A risk assessment and the need to take certain medications (e.g., nitrates) can be accurately judged by a proper cardiological examination. If the condition of heart patients is good, we can safely recommend sex life. In the case of erectile dysfunction, sexologist doctor in Delhi can recommend the taking of the desired tablet from several types of medicines, so that you can also use your heart medicines safely. The resumption of sex life should be part of the rehabilitation of the cardiological patient.
In high-risk patients (arrhythmias, severe valvular disease), a cardiologist’s decision is also required. In such cases, treatment of the underlying disease is often required as a first step and treatment of sexual dysfunction should be postponed.
Of course, the complete diagnosis and analysis of ED is still the responsibility of the best sexologist in Delhi, but more and more often a cardiologist should be considered in case of increased cardiovascular risk or complaints. I encourage erectile dysfunction sufferers to communicate more boldly and openly with their doctors, as their complaints can be remedied with great success these days!
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