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Posted by on September 4, 2019

Have you ever thought about Christmas? Have you ever questioned other aspects of this incredible holiday after discovering that Santa Claus really isn’t? Have you ever wondered where Christmas is coming from? Why is there a Christmas tree? Where does the idea of ​​Santa Claus come from? Why is this day celebrated on 25 December? Christmas Bible Verses What exactly do all these symbols and festivals mean? What is God’s view on these things? If you came to know the truth about Santa Claus, you were surprised, the rest of the story will surprise you even more.

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Christmas is not Christian!

It seems shocking, there is nothing Christian about Christmas. They were the people who coined the term “Christmas” with the word “Christ of Christ”. Thus, the name of Christ is associated with this holiday, and millions of people believe it to be a Christian observance. The truth is that this holiday was practiced with similar symbols and rituals for many centuries before the birth of Jesus. In fact, it did not become part of the Christian faith hundreds of years after the Savior was in heaven.

This truth is confirmed by the testimony of both religious and secular authorities. The 1911 edition of Catholic Zoology suggests that Christmas began not in Palestine but in Egypt.

Christmas was not one of the earliest festivals of the church … the first evidence of the festival comes from Egypt … the pagan customs revolving around the January calendar about Christmas.

Christmas parties were not welcome during the apostles or early church days. Merry Christmas Wishes Consider the words of the 1944 edition of the Jyc Encyclopedia, which states:

According to many authorities, Christmas was not celebrated in the early centuries of the Christian Church, as Christianity in general was more than celebrating the death of a significant number of those born in them.

Christmas origins

Biblical authorities and secular historians agree that the celebration of the birth of Christ did not come to church until hundreds of years after Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The Roman Catholic Church did not order this day to be celebrated until the fifth century. In addition, the church established the celebration as a pagan celebration dedicated to the worship of the Sun.

The relationship between Christmas and a bunch of pagan practices is well documented. Not only the day, but also its symbols are closely associated with the religious practices adopted by the pagan world. William Walsh, recognized officer on Christmas writes:

… Christian … is a gradual evolution of the Christian era long ago … It was placed on pagan festivals, and many of its ceremonies are pagan adaptations of Christian celebrations. (Santa claus story page 58)

… or about December 21, the ancient Greeks celebrated what we call the Bacchania or festival in honor of Bacchus, the god of the covenant. In this celebration, people are involved in songs, dances and other celebrations that often cross the boundaries of etiquette and order. (Story of Santa Clauses page 65)

… The zodiac held in honor of Shani began on 17 December and lasted for seven days. It often ends in turmoil and disorientation. Jesus Images Therefore, the words Bacchanalia and Saturnalia acquired a poor reputation in later times. (Story of Santa Clauses page 65)

25 December Why?

Today, most people in the world celebrate Christmas on the twenty-fifth day of December. Werner Keller writes in the Bible as History:

On December 25, for the first time in documents, the year 324 is known as Christmas Day. It was recognized as an official holiday under the Roman Emperor Justinian [in the 500s]. An ancient Roman festival played an important role in the election of this special day. 25 December “Daisy Natalie Invictus” in ancient Rome, the birthday of the unsuspecting sun, the day of the winter solstice, and the last day of Saturn’s perfection in Rome at the same time, a week of endless carnival … (page)

Story records indicate that Christmas began in pre-Christian times and that the pagan world had been celebrated for centuries after Christ’s death. It was adopted later in the fifth century by the Roman Catholic Church. Where do foreigners come up with their thoughts on such a festival?

Through her politics and the use of her son Nimrod, Semermis Cady became the queen of Babylon, home of secrets. She was also known as “Queen of Heaven” and “Mother of the Divine Son”. After generations of these pagan practices and traditions, Nimrod was the son of the sun god Baal. He and his mother became prominent worshipers of Madonna and Baal.

This belief and practice spread to Egypt, where the names of the gods were Isis and Osiris. Osiris’ son was born on 25 December. In Asia it was Sibel and Daeonius. In Rome they were called Fortuna and Jupiter. Around the world, we still find remnants of mother and child blessings. It is not surprising that the same system still exists at the end of the era. It is called “Mystery Babylon” (Revelation 1): 5). Oddly, he is Christianized and practiced at Christmas.


The great historian Will Durant describes how paganism embraces Christianity and converts it to pagan purposes.

Christianity did not destroy paganism. It handled … the idea of ​​a divine trinity coming from Egypt … [and] worshiping mother and child … the great mother worshiped from Phrygia … mythological rituals as mass enmity as Christian ancestors There was only one Eucharistic sacrifice that is applied to the devil to seek these similarities. Happy New Year GIF Images Christianity was the last great creation of the ancient pagan world. (History of Culture, page 595)

It is clear that the Roman Catholic Church contains a large number of pagan practices. He started celebrating the birthday of Sun God and fixed the date for this festival on 25 December.

It is interesting to note that sun worship began in early Egypt. There, the priests made a round disk to represent the Sun. Celebrities ate waffles and symbolized the life of the Sun God and the food of the human soul.

Clearly, the Church is dealing with pagans to increase its numbers and gain a foothold in the unrighteous world. In fact, it was the church that followed those beliefs that completely opposed Christianity. Alexander Hislop of his book The Two Babylon has the following characteristics:

Before the fourth century and not long before the Christian era, this time of year was celebrated among foreigners, in honor of the birth of the Babylonian queen, the son of heaven; And it may reasonably be assumed that a similar feast was accepted only by the Roman Church, to increase the number of small followers of Christianity by assimilating the Gentiles. The tendency of Christians to confront this pagan developed long ago … (p. 93)

This church eventually took on various pagan rituals and eventually brought them together to conclude the Christmas and New Year celebrations we are experiencing today.

Christmas by story

In the late third century, Deus Sol Invictus became the official deity of the Roman Empire. At that time, a huge temple was built in honor of Surya, and Surya’s birthday was officially scheduled on 25 December. This date was chosen because it is the accepted date of the winter solstice. Less than 100 years later, the Emperor of Kingston came to power in Rome. At the beginning of Constantine’s reign, the practice of Christianity violated Roman law. Christians were hated and persecuted by the state.

However, Constanta saw something in Christianity that he believed could be very valuable in keeping the kingdom together. Despite intense persecution, Christians remained committed to their faith. This commitment impressed Constantine so much that in 313 AD he published “The Addict to Tolerance” and made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. As a result, persecution of Christians ceased. Ultimately, the news was not good. As Christianity became a state religion, the church became very political and the teachings of the church were watered down and seriously compromised. Jesse Hurlbut describes the period in his book The Story of the Christian Church.

… The establishment of Christianity as a state religion became a curse … Everyone was looking for membership in the church and almost all of them were accepted. Honest worshipers of God and hypocritical professors, both good and bad, drown in the community. Ambitious, secular, immoral men sought a position in the Church for social and political influence …

Services increased in luxury, but were less spiritual and welcome than before. The forms and customs of idolatry gradually dwindled into worship. Advance Christmas wishes images Some ancient pagan festivals became church festivals with a changed name and worship.

The legalization of Christianity solved one problem for the church, but another. Over the decades, millions of idolaters were converted to “Christians”. However, these pagans did not intend to give up their pagan practices. Try to be this, the Church cannot win against those who won to give up the paganism they accepted. The Church’s response was ultimately to “Christianize” many Christian pagan practices.

However, this acquisition of pagan festivals was not without resistance. Many Christians welcomed the freedom to celebrate these pagan practices, while others objected. Many people of the time understood that such practices are cruel pagan, proud practices that should never have been brought to church. Christian evangelists in the West and Middle East protested against the inability to celebrate Christ’s birthday, while Christians in Mesopotamia accused their Western brethren of idolatry and sun worship as they accepted this pagan festival as Christian did.

Despite resistance from Christians committed to following scriptural teachings, the pagan influence empowered the church and created something completely different from what Jesus and Peter produced. This fact has been confirmed by the Encyclopedia of America, which states:

In the first centuries of the Christian Church, Christmas … according to many authorities, was not celebrated … In the fifth century, the Western Church ordered it to be celebrated on Sol’s ancient Roman birthday.

As you can see, the ancient rites practiced by the pagan world eventually became Christianity. For centuries before the birth of Christianity, Rome was pagan and did not abandon its false religion. Merry Christmas Images Download When the Emperor Constant ordered Christianity to be equated with paganism, the people liked their old ways. He always made fun of known things and adapted the old to the new.

He started worshiping “Son” by worshiping “Sun”, and did so by preserving all his ancient ways.

Most people today know little or nothing about Christmas paganism. They do not know that faithful Christians initially deny these communal practices. Furthermore, most contemporary Christians do not understand that believers who work to protect the truth of God are forced to go underground.

Christmas tree

The Christmas tree is possibly the most famous symbol of this season. Millions of people bring evergreen trees to their homes and decorate them with beautiful glass balls, tinsel and lights. The same millions of people will never consider the Christmas tree to be a disgusting idol of God.

The tradition of bringing a tree and decorating it with a story about St. Boniface. According to tradition, St. Boniface fell on the “great oak of Jupiter”, worshiped by the pagan Tutons in Germany.

The story goes that St. Boniface came with a group of pagans by worshiping a huge oak tree. This band wanted to bring human sacrifice. Boniface intervened and stopped the victim. He then ordered the tree to be cut down. Legend has it that a small Christmas tree was built instead. Boniface declares that this tree is the tree of life and represents Christ.

A careful examination of this story reveals important similarities with the story of Nimrod and Semeremi. After Nimrod’s death, his mother, Semiramis, explained that Nimrod was born again as an evergreen tree, which grew overnight. History shows that worship of trees and nature was widespread among the pagans and continues to this day.

It is important to understand that such practices are hated by God. Chapter ten of Jeremiah illustrates this. Here God commands his people not to teach the Gentiles the way. It then elaborates on a tradition in which pagans cut a tree from the forest and furnish it. God portrays this tree as a carved image (Jer 10: 1-2).

Although many claim that Jeremiah does not refer to the Christmas tree, his reasoning in these verses is incomprehensible. God declared through Jeremiah that his children should avoid practices like the heathen world. He did not say that it was appropriate to change his practices and call him a Christian. The Christmas tree is clearly a symbol of faith that is very different from anything presented in Scripture.

The origin of the Christmas tree in Pagan is fully supported by the testimony of history. Consider the words of Alexander Hislop.

The Christmas tree that is so common among us today is equally common in pagan Rome and pagan Egypt. In Egypt, this tree was a palm tree; In Rome it was cedar; The palm designs the pagan messiah as a fetish, then called Baal-berith.

The Christmas tree … supports the idea of ​​tree worship … almonds and balls pointing to the sun … Christmas has been a torrent of all winter solstice festivals … Holi for the druid rituals and Use of mistletes; Christmas tree [It is clear that the Christmas tree is a powerful symbol and represents many images of the celebration he represents. However, there is one thing that is not a Christmas tree – it is not Christian. Everything about the Christmas tree can be traced back to the belief that it is condemned in Scripture. There is no connection between the birth of the Christmas tree and Christ. It is a pagan symbol that condemns God.

In 1974, United Press International published an article about the origin of the Christmas tree, one of the world’s leading news agencies. This article speaks of this symbol, which was strongly adopted by the Christian world.

In the middle of winter, when the sun goes south and the night is rising, ancient idolaters place candles on a tree called fairy lights to entice the sun’s north. (17 December)

Today, millions of Christian homes around the world are decorated with evergreen trees every Christmas. The sad thing is that people do not understand what these trees are because they simply do not ask.

Santa claus

One of the most famous Christmas pictures is Santa Claus. Every year, children from all over the world yearn for him to come because he is the giver. Today, Santa Claus is portrayed as a beloved and true giver of children. During the Christmas season, people are also encouraged to join their great Eleven army so that children around the world can be touched by their kindness. Santa Claus is so popular that children tell stories about its works. These stories are expressed with such conviction that children believe them without question. But who is Santa Claus? And where did his story begin?

Many articles and books were written to explain that Nicholas was a bishop living in Asia Minor in the fourth century. It is true that such a bishop exists, but it is wrong to be so grateful to him.

The Second Vatican Council officially declared that many of the concepts associated with it actually came from pagan sources, despite Roman Catholicism being named Nicholas. William Walsh wrote:

Santa Claus comes from St. Nicholas, whose festival was celebrated in December, and furthermore, Saturn’s dark traditions are commonly found as Saturn’s heroes. (Story of Santa Claus, page 70)

Tony Van Rantrum has written his book, “When Santa Claus Was Wash Out: The Origins of Santa Claus and the Christmas Tree”:

In the newly Christianized territories, where pagan Celtic and German sects were strong, the myth of Woden’s God was assimilated with various Christian saints. Saint Nicholas was one of them. Happy New Year HD Wallpapers There were Christian territories where St. Nicholas ruled alone. In other places it was supported by the pagan Dark Helper. In other remote areas … old bags of ancient religion-controlled traditions.

Here the Dark Helper ruled alone. Sometimes very deceptively, without changing the menacing, fur-wrapped appearance of Harney / Pan, using either St. Nicholas or Klaus’s co-director.

Acquiring such pagan festivals and traditions, the Christian Church transformed Harney into a closed, suburban dark tributary of St. Nicholas. Satan is the symbol of all evil, nothing but a darkness …

The World Book Encyclopedia provides some interesting insights about some traditions associated with Santa Claus.

Some of the features of Santa Claus have been around for centuries. For example, the recognition that Santa Claus came through the chimney became a Nordic legend. The Norsemen believed that the goddess Hertha appeared in the chimney and brought good luck home.

Other Drudic traditions state that Santa’s red suit is a relic of the time when the ancient people worshiped the god of fire. According to tradition, these fire goddesses have come down from the chimney. Also note that in ancient times the owners of the druid house used a treat made of milk and biscuits in their chimneys to pacify the god coming down from the chimney. Hence began the tradition of giving milk and biscuits to Santa Claus. The idea of ​​keeping stock on the stove frame also comes from this mythical pagan practice. It is clear that modern Santa Claus traces its origins to ancient pagan traditions.

Christmas gift

Most people believe that the Christmas gifting tradition comes from the Bible. It is believed that the Gentiles gave gifts to Jesus, so it is appropriate that we give gifts to each other.

However, this tradition is carefully examined to see if it has anything to do with the gift of the Maghi or the gifts given to Christ. Both religious and secular histories reveal a clear link between Christmas gifts and pagan practices. Consider the following conclusions about this practice.

The exchange of gifts between friends and friends is the same feature of Christmas and Saturnalia and should be adopted by Christians of foreign religion, as Tertullian’s advice clearly shows. (Bibliotheca Sacra, Vol. 12, p. 153)

Tertullian wrote in his Id Not Idol Tri Tree that during Saturn’s pagan festival celebrated in December, gifts were kept “back and forth”.

According to the Catholic Encyclopaedia, this year’s gifts may be exchanged with similar rituals that foreigners performed on January 1.

“Gifts are exchanged by the French people in January by the Spanish and Italians, and by other nationalities on December 25. In most parts of Europe, it was the Christ child who was bringing gifts. Those who later became Santa Claus. “(P. 659)

William Walsh provides additional insight into the tradition of gift exchange.

Christmas reminds us of gifts received during a holiday in Rome. In Rome, one might add that these gifts were usually wax cones and lids – later human sacrifice was once offered to Saturn. It is a strange idea that in our Christmas presents, under another form, we preserve the most cruel customs of our barbaric ancestors. (Story of Santa Claus, page 67)

Gift to a king

It is important to understand that Yashiva did not give gifts to each other. Furthermore, the gifts they brought for Christ were not birthday gifts. Jesus did not receive toys from these visitors, but many believe that unusual offerings are very important.

It has been suggested that gold is a gift to a king, a priest from frankincense and a gift to a Marine – a spice used to prepare the corpse for burial – a gift given to a convicted man . It is clear that the wise gave gifts to Jesus because they considered him a great king. Protocol at that time did not approach the presence of kings or nobles without gifts. Adam Clarke’s comment put it this way:

“People of the East never make the appearance of kings and great celebrities without gifts in their hands.” (Part 5, page 46)

The truth is that gifts are not biblical at this time of year and have no basis in history. Giving at this time of year is the practice of ancient Satyubhuti. Today, Lord Shani is worshiped along with the worship of Mani Maniman.

Commercialization, not Christianity

For centuries, the practice of gifting has become a big business at this time of year! One of the nation’s top three gift wrappers, Hark LaMac, announced that over the 000,000 miles of wrapping paper would be made over the holiday period and Americans spend more than billions of dollars on children’s toys during Christmas.

In total, agencies and photo studios are equipped with 20,000 Santa Claus with annual shopping malls, parades and parties. It is estimated that retail stores can generate additional revenue of $ 35,000 if they only have one photographer and Santa for rent. Mall traffic is projected to increase by 15% when Santa Claus is in large stores.

In Los Angeles alone, more than 1.1 million Christmas trees were sold. In addition, the Los Angeles Post Office Fee will send 3,000 letters to Santa Claus, and use more than 1 million kilowatts of electricity in the district to support Christmas lights. This is the average monthly consumption for many third world countries and the US. Thousands of people in this city.

The average American family receives 26 tickets, while 650 million Christmas packages are sent to friends and relatives this season. The city of Beverly Hills will spend one million dollars on its Christmas decorations, while C’s pulse sells over 12 million pounds of candy.

In the United States, retailers celebrate Christmas like any other holiday. For consumers to use: They decorate their stores with the utmost purpose, adding special music and keeping men in Santa Claus suits.


Christmas is so important to the United States economy that the absence of such a holiday can literally cripple the country. It has been suggested that 50% of the annual profits of retailers originate from Christmas sales. Recently, an executive at America’s largest retail chain suggested earning 75% of its profits between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Sadly, all these huge expenditures don’t really make people happy. During this time of the year, 35% to 1% of Americans become so depressed that they consume alcohol or drugs to cope with the void they experienced during these “blissful” times. In response to this cruel commercialization of Christmas, many religious leaders were heard shouting, “We must bring Christ back for Christmas.” But the truth is, Christ never was nor ever will be for Christmas!

Regardless of how Christmas is packed, it is a pagan holiday devoted entirely to materialism. It is a sin, wrapped in colored paper, wears a red suit and is wrapped in soft, fluffy angel hair. People may say that they worship Christ when they celebrate Christ, but the truth is that Christmas has nothing to do with the Savior of humanity and has nothing to do with it!

These signs are as kind as they may appear, make no mistake: they are deeply ingrained in God’s blasphemous practices throughout the scriptures. God does not require Christmas trunk, Holi tree, Banda or any other plant for worshiping false gods. The Bible states that Jesus told a Samaritan woman that God’s spirit and truth should be worshiped (John 4:24).

The notion that these symbols are legally associated with the birth of Christ is completely false. They are the main idol and should be abandoned.

Birth of the Messiah

There is no basis for the belief that Jesus was born on or about December 25. Actually, it is a very dirty past till date. It was a friend of the Sun God and Nimrod’s birthday and is associated with many evil practices associated with paganism. Virtually all reliable records show that the early church did not even celebrate its birthday.

The World Book Encyclopedia reveals the following:

The date of Christ’s birth is not fixed. Early Christians did not celebrate their birth because they saw the birth of humans as a pagan practice. The first mention of the celebration of Christ’s birthday is about 200 A.D. Happy New Year cover photos for facebook Several dates were used around the years. The first mention of 25 December was in 336. (Article “Christmas”)

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

There is no denying that Christmas is the most anticipated time of year for millions of Christians. It is a time of beautiful music, delicious food, bright colors and family ties. However, there is one thing that is not Christmas; It is not now, and is never a Christian. The Puritans understood this important point. William Prince wrote in the time of King Charles:

Our Christmas Lords of Misrael … descended from Roman Saturnilia and Bacchanalian festivals; That is why all divine Christians should be hated forever. (Book of Christian Folklore, Page’s)

As innocent as it is, this day has its roots in dark and worthless roots. Tom Flynn provides a very interesting overview of the message sent by Christmas in his book The Problem with Christmas.

If they intended to come to terms with what they believed, then on the occasion of their birthday each year, Christians would be proud of their memory but not of violence. If we celebrate everyone’s birthday, we maintain a tradition that is supposedly uprooted. (P.42)

It is very important to understand that God hates untruth regardless of his nature. Satan himself was the father of lies (John father: 4) and the deception of the whole world (Rev. 12.7). The scriptures also say that Satan appears as the angel of light. Is it any wonder that the celebrations are so beautiful and attractive in her honor?


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