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Posted by on October 30, 2018

Hotmail email is the free webmail service from Microsoft. This email service has a myriad of important benefits and features for webmasters.

Before we delve into its features it is worth remembering that, currently, Hotmail has a new name and layout. Today it is recognized, too, as Outlook. So do not be confused if you find this name instead of Microsoft Hotmail .



Create account in Hotmail

Creating a free account in Hotmail is very simple and easy. First step is to access the address , done that the official page will open and then you should access the field “create account”.

After opening the account creation page, carefully fill in each field with your correct data. Remember to create a secure and unrelated password for your most obvious data such as age, birth date or passwords already used in other services. Please complete everything correctly and confirm your account creation.

Login to Hotmail

Signing in to Hotmail email is not difficult either, go back to the official address of the company and, this time, click ” sign in “.

You should now fill out your email and passwords to enter your Hotmail email inbox . As you see in the email field, you can log in by entering your phone contact or Skype. Remember that your mobile number is what you registered for the creation of your Hotmail account.

Hotmail built-in features

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article Hotmail has several important features for its users and all these features and many others are already natively integrated into your email box after you log in.

The first feature and much used in day to day is Skype. He is active in the upper right corner of his inbox, just click on it and start using his chat service.

You will also have at your disposal directly from your email box a complete calendar with schedule service, Cloud Drive service, OneDrive. With it OneDrive you can save your music, photos, documents and more online. Check out right now everything that is available in Hotmail email .


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