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Gynecomastia Surgery- Breast Reduction In Men

Nov. 14, 2022 by

Gynecomastia is a condition that occurs in men in which there is more breast tissue than desired. This condition can be caused by many different factors but can usually be successfully treated with male breast reduction surgery.” Male breast reduction surgery,

Crooked Nose? Rhinoplasty is the answer

Oct. 29, 2022 by

What does a crooked nose look like? The crooked nose shows a deviated front, not regular from the classic “C” shape or, in more striking cases, to “S”. The asymmetry is in most cases correlated to a deviation of the nasal

How to correct breast sagging?

Oct. 21, 2022 by

Sagging breastsis a very common condition in women’s lives and can impact their self-esteem, when performing their various daily activities or even on their physical health, in cases where there is discomfort when wearing a bra or possible back pain. To

The role of plastic surgery in regaining self-esteem

Oct. 13, 2022 by

Plastic surgery, in the vast majority of cases, comes from an aesthetic motivation, directly related to the desire to change an aspect of one’s appearance – and may have reasons of functionality, health and well-being linked, too. What can often

Confidently move through plastic surgery

Oct. 8, 2022 by

Getting plastic surgery today is more affordable and easier than ever. The development of modern medicine has allowed us to reduce risks and potential complications, while making the results more natural and long-lasting. This does not mean that undergoing plastic surgery in Mumbai           is

The Benefits of a Rhinoplasty

Oct. 5, 2022 by

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in recent years. It is an intervention that allows you to modify the size and shape of the nose to achieve greater harmony with the rest of the face. Although the aesthetic aspect of the nose is

Breast Ptosis

Breast ptosis, what is it and how to fix them?

Sep. 27, 2022 by

Did you know that breast sagging has a medical name? This is breast ptosis. This derives, mainly, from the loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin. It is a natural thing but can be aggravated by giving birth or menopause. Although it is not

Hymenoplasty in Delhi

Hymenoplasty: Doing Hymen Reconstruction

Sep. 23, 2022 by

Hymenoplasty in Delhi, a type of surgery that is also classified as female intimate surgery or cosmetic surgery, is a surgical procedure belonging to the specialty of plastic surgery and gynecological surgery that lasts between 45 and 60 minutes and

plastic surgeon in Noida


Sep. 22, 2022 by

Plastic surgeries can increase self-esteem and improve patients’ quality of life. However, just the procedure itself is not enough for the desired result to be achieved. For this reason, the first step in ensuring successful plastic surgery is to consider the preoperative

Scar revision surgery: procedure improves appearance of marks

Sep. 21, 2022 by

What is scar revision surgery? Scar revision surgery is the type of plastic surgery that attempts to improve the appearance of a scar. In general, however, is it incorrect to call it a fix? Because it is not possible to guarantee results