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Hymenoplasty in Delhi

Hymenoplasty: Doing Hymen Reconstruction

Sep. 23, 2022 by

Hymenoplasty in Delhi, a type of surgery that is also classified as female intimate surgery or cosmetic surgery, is a surgical procedure belonging to the specialty of plastic surgery and gynecological surgery that lasts between 45 and 60 minutes and

Breast Reduction Surgery – Basic Information

Breast Reduction Surgery – Basic Information

Apr. 17, 2022 by

Women seeking breast reduction surgery often have back and shoulder pain. Large breasts also often interfere with exercise. As a measure, breast reduction in Delhi is very similar to breast augmentation surgery in Delhi. The difference is that in resection surgery, the skin



Apr. 13, 2022 by

Breast augmentation surgery with breast implants is the most common surgery to correct the shape of the breasts. The operation is one-time and the size of the breast implant is selected according to the patient’s dimensions and wishes, explains the best plastic surgeon

Mommy makeover: Recover your figure after pregnancy

Apr. 7, 2022 by

Much is being heard lately about the “mommy makeover”, a trend that translated into our language comes to mean the “renewal, new look or remodeling of the mother”. We are really talking about postpartum cosmetic surgery. What physical changes occur

Liposuction – Fat Removal Procedure

Nov. 30, 2021 by

What is Liposuction The liposuction in Delhi is a surgical technique that removes deposits of subcutaneous fat excess. To reshape and improve the aesthetics of the body. Liposuction is a procedure to perform on the areas of the body most prone to