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Posted by on August 29, 2018

Male Pattern Baldness

An average human being loses around 100 hair strands a day. It is quite normal as every single hair strand has its own lifecycle. Hundreds of these strands complete their lifecycle every day and are replaced with new ones. In some cases, these hairs do not grow back. This condition is known as baldness. Baldness in women is referred to as Female Pattern Baldness and it is characterized with thinning of hairs. Whereas baldness in men is referred to as Male Pattern Baldness and is associated with receding hairline. Male pattern baldness is medically termed as ‘Androgenic Alopecia’.

What are the symptoms of Male Pattern Baldness?

Individuals suffering from male pattern baldness face hair loss prominently in the top and front of the scalp. Sometimes, the hair loss occurs uniformly over a region and in other cases, the hairs disappear in patches. Some men face baldness in ‘M’ shape. Most of the times, the hair fall persists until all or most of the hair is lost.

What causes the Male Pattern Baldness?

Male Pattern Baldness has multiple potential causes. They can be hormonal, genetic and other physical causes.

Hormonal: One of the functions of Androgens is to regulate hair growth. Imbalance in the production of the Androgens and reduction in their effectiveness can cause Male Pattern Baldness. As the hair growth cycle weakens, the hair follicles shrink and produce shorter and thinner strands of hair.

Genetic: The most prominent cause for the Male Pattern Baldness is the genetics. More than 90% of the baldness cases are caused by genetics. The studies have found that the family history of baldness can significantly increase one’s chances to have Male Pattern Baldness.

Other Causes: In other cases, the baldness is caused by some severe physical conditions. Certain cancers and their treatments can induce baldness. Thyroid conditions can also have a balding effect. Some type of medications like anabolic steroids can cause hair fall. Physicians should be informed if the prescribed medications accelerate the hair fall.

What are the treatments for Male Pattern Baldness?

In the past, the prevailing opinion was that the hair follicles are permanently gone from the areas of complete baldness. In reality, they are likely to be dormant. Recent researches have uncovered the fact that the scalp contains stem cells or progenitor cells from which the follicles had previously risen. Propecia In Australia is also a valuable medical option to get rid over the Male pattern baldness.

Minoxidil: Minoxidil is an Androgen-independent medication. It is applied directly to the scalp. It dilates the small blood vessels. It takes four months to one year to show positive results. Caution is advised for its use as it has possible side effects like dryness, irritation, burning and scaling of the scalp.

Finasteride: Finasteride is an Androgen-dependent medication. It is taken orally. Its effects include blocking of male hormone that causes hair fall. Typical period to observe positive effects is three months to one year. The side effects include depression, itching, rash, painful ejaculation and pain in the testicles.  Hair transplant: Hair transplant is the most expensive option for hair fall treatment. In this treatment, some hairs are taken from the region of the scalp with healthy hair growth and then implanted in the bald patches. It can be dangerous.

Posted in: Anxiety


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