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Best Toilet Brands in Market

K-3978-0 Wellworth 1.6 Inch Toilet One of the trusted names in the industry, the Kohler K-3978 Wellworth delivers solid value without sacrificing performance. Coming a little up on the water use scale compared to some of the other toilets on the 1.6-gallon per flush list, you can question the effectiveness of this unit, but its Read more about Best Toilet Brands in Market[…]

Did you know that 30% of the water you use to flush your toilet may be just going down the drain?

It works in ANY toilet With the introduction of low flush, H.E.T. (High Efficiency Flushing Toilets), and dual flush toilets, a lot of attention was placed on attaining an adequate flush with a reduced volume of water. Unfortunately many of the manufacturers of these toilets didn’t look at the bowl fill aspect of water savings. Read more about Did you know that 30% of the water you use to flush your toilet may be just going down the drain?[…]