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Posted by on September 27, 2020

To achieve mind blowing strength and gridiron glory you MUST have an effective battery of strength and conditioning exercises put in place. Give yourself a moment to read and learn about what strength and conditioning for football athletes is all about! If you want to be a competitor on the field today, incorporate a page from the past of training into your strength and conditioning program, my friend.

So which page from yesterday am I talking about? Well, I’m talking about training with the old kettlebell! That’s right, I said kettlebell my friend. This ยอดนักเตะชาย and conditioning device is something else when it helps you develop an explosive, powerful and fit body to eradicate punishment on the football field all day long. Check out the following 2 strength and conditioning exercises you can implement with this old tool to bring your game to all new heights.   

1. Dual Kettlebell Clean, Squat, And Jerk: For this special strength and conditioning exercise, you need the availability of a pair of moderate resistance kettlebells. Put the bells down between your feet. Perform a kettlebell and clean the bells at the chest properly. Next, perform a front squat with kettlebells. Now make sure that you do not allow the bells to pull you forward and out of balance. Stabilize your body and lower yourself enough to touch the inside of your knees with your elbows. When you get up explosively, stretch at your hips and knees to create the momentum needed to push or move the boiler bells to a locked position above your head.

2. Dual Kettlebell See Saw Presses: For this exercise you will concentrate on developing some herculean shoulders. Once again, clean the bells correctly for the chest. Press a bell over your head. When lowering the first pressed bell, press the second kettlebell before allowing the first bell to rest. You see, the goal is to continuously switch between pressing the bells without letting one come to complete rest, hence the name see saw press. These exercises are perfect for any serious football player, but especially beneficial for collegiate and NFL strength and conditioning programs! If you have not included kettlebell training in your personal fitness and strength program, then you are missing out. Remember that everyone can train hard, but only masters train smart my friend!

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