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Posted by on August 2, 2020

Watermelon (scientific name: Citrullis lanatus) is a fruit that has been the subject of intense research in recent times, despite the fact that more health benefits are being revealed every day. Belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family, watermelon is related to other fruits such as cucumber, squash, squash and melon. It is not at all surprising that watermelon is called that, given its amazing 92% composition of water that makes it extremely juicy and refreshing, especially in hot climates. Interestingly, each part of the watermelon is rich in nutrients from the thick greenish outer rind to the red or pink inner flesh. Furthermore, watermelon is a very rich source of important nutrients ranging from vitamins and minerals to important antioxidants, hence the numerous health benefits this amazing fruit offers. Additionally, research has revealed that watermelon is most nutritious when fully ripe. For example, the lycopene content of a watermelon becomes richer and more concentrated as the meat changes from white-pink to pink and finally red. Consequently, a ripe watermelon offers more benefits as how to preserve foods:
Improves cardiovascular health
Watermelon gives your heart a boost. The National Watermelon Promotion Board reported that watermelon has a higher lycopene content than any other fruit or vegetable. Lycopene-rich diets are cardioprotective. Similarly, the potassium that is present in good amounts in watermelons also offers significant protection against cardiovascular disease by dilating blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Additionally, a study published in the American Journal of Hypertension found that watermelon extracts lowered blood pressure in some obese adults with hypertension.
Good for your skin
Watermelon is a fruit that has been shown to be highly beneficial to the skin. In addition to keeping skin well hydrated, it is also rich in vitamin A, an important nutrient for sebum production that keeps hair and skin supple and hydrated. Furthermore, vitamin C is necessary in the formation of collagen, which is necessary to maintain the structure and integrity of the skin.
Protects against diabetes
Being a tasty fruit, rich in fiber and low in calories, watermelon is a fruit of choice for diabetics. The L-citrulline content is converted to arginine, which has been shown to improve the function of the sugar-lowering hormone, insulin. Along the same lines, the potassium and magnesium found in watermelons also promote the effect of insulin on the body and thus help keep blood sugar within safe limits in people with diabetes.
Reduces the risk of cancer
Watermelon has been shown to offer some protection against cancer. Free radical formation contributes to cancer-causing DNA mutations. Fortunately, watermelon is rich in antioxidants like vitamins C and A that help scavenge free radicals. Furthermore, watermelon and tomatoes are clearly your best sources of lycopene, which has been linked to a lower risk of prostate, breast, colon and lung cancer.
Good hydration
Watermelon is 92% water, so in hot climates it can be particularly refreshing as it helps to replenish the callous water loss from your skin, thus protecting it from dehydration and heat stroke.
Help against impotence
Research has shown that when sufficient amounts of watermelon are consumed, it can provide an effect similar to Viagra in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It contains arginine that can be converted to nitric oxide (NO), a compound that helps dilate the blood vessels of the penis and, therefore, improves erection.
Reduces the risk of kidney disorders
The good hydration provided by watermelon helps rinse the kidneys regularly and keeps them functioning optimally. In addition, by reducing the concentration of uric acid in the blood, watermelons reduce the incidence of kidney stone formation. Also, since watermelon is rich in antioxidants, the probability of free radical damage to the kidneys is lower in people who consume watermelon.
Reduces muscle pain
This is good news especially for athletes who often experience muscle pain after strenuous exercise. Research has attributed this muscle relaxant effect to the L-citrulline content of watermelons.
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