Adequate Diets

A proper diet establishes an eating regimen that is composed of amounts of food and beverages that meet an individual’s nutritional requirements and avoids foods or behaviors that are detrimental to good health, that says HCG Diet Las Vegas.

Physical Evaluation of the Patient

According to experts in HCG Diets in Las Vegas a good diet implies the previous evaluation of the weight and general health status of the person to whom the diet is going to be performed. It should also consider the physical activity performed and caloric requirements needed to perform that activity.

Steps to Follow in a Las Vegas HCG Diet

Balanced diet: According to experts in HCG Diets from Las VegasIt should contain foods from the four food groups, inadequate proportions.

• Proteins (2 to 3 servings daily)
• Meats, poultry, fish, eggs, grains, nuts (2 to 3 servings daily)
• Milk, yogurt, and cheese (2 to 3 servings) or green vegetables (2 to 3 servings)
• Carbohydrates (6 to 11 servings daily)
• Vegetables: Potato, cassava, plantain, okra, yam, celery, pumpkin (3 to 5 servings)
• Cereals: rice, corn, wheat, barley, oatmeal
• Fats (3 teaspoons per day)
• Butter, margarine, mayonnaise, corn, soybean, sunflower, canola, and olive oil.
• Vitamins and minerals (2 to 4 servings per day)
• Fruits (2 to 4 servings)

Also, you can keep in mind these recommendations:

1. Eat fruits and vegetables: Fruits are good substitutes for desserts at meals and provide fewer calories because they do not contain processed sugar. Vegetable salads are more easily digested than processed carbohydrates and produce satiety, according to HCG Diets in Las Vegas.
2. Reducing the intake of refined foods rich in carbohydrates and saturated fats (fried foods).
3. Moderation in the quantities consumed: You should be informed about the caloric content of the foods you eat, to eat only the recommended amounts according to your diet, and not exceed the plan drawn up, according to HCG Diet Las Vegas.
4. Five meals a day: That says HCG Diet Las VegasTo activate the metabolism, it is recommended to eat two snacks in addition to the three main meals. The content of these meals should be low in calories, rich in protein and fiber.
5. Appetizing: For the diet to work, the diner must feel satisfied with what he eats. Therefore, you should prepare dishes that are to their liking, but at the same time low in calories, healthy and varied.
6. Good dairy intake: Dairy products are essential for good bone health. If you are lactose intolerant, you can consume green vegetables (spinach, chard, cress, parsley) that are rich in calcium.
7. Good fluid intake: If you are a woman you should consume 2.5 liters of fluid per day and if you are a man 3.5 liters of fluid per day. Include juices, compotes, jellies, creams, soups, and jellies among the liquids.
8. Control salt: The high salt intake increases fluid retention in the body and therefore overweight. We recommend 2,300 mg of sodium per day, that is, one teaspoon of salt.
9. Perform physical exercise: Daily physical activity is recommended because it activates circulation, burns fat, has cardiovascular and emotional benefits, and helps you lose weight.

An effective HGC Diet should be hypocaloric, in Trimbody MD we give you the advice you need to make your diet.

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