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Posted by on May 30, 2020

Running a conference for your colleague or contacts is not typically easy, especially if you aren’t hiring an outside events team to sort things out. The last thing you want is for your conference to run late or for guests to leave feeling as though the event was disorganised.

HID Prox cards are being used increasingly in the world of business conferences and the event industry as a whole. In this article, we are going to look at why you should invest in HID Prox cards for your next conference. Keep reading to find out more.

What Are HID Prox Cards?

HID Prox cards contain contactless 125 kHz RFID technology. This tech can usually appear in fobs, tags and smart cards with some suppliers offering a wide range of products. These cards use this technology to grant access to those who have been given a card. You might have already used a similar card to an HID Prox but not realised it due to the advanced and hidden technology.

Shorter Queues

If you are hosting a large conference with hundreds of guests, the last thing you want is to have them queuing for hours. Many people turn up to these kinds of events without considering the queue that there might be, and this can lead to them missing out on important information at the beginning. With HID Prox cards, you can reduce the queues at your conference and get your guests seated much quicker.

Smoother Entry

When you host a conference, you want it to appear well-organised and smooth to your guests, right? If a guest at your conference has to wait in a long queue and then go through a lengthy process to gain access, they might think again about recommending your business to their colleagues. With a proper system in place to allocate these cards on arrival or in advance, you can ensure that the entire process is much smoother.

Permitting Entry

Finally, you should consider the use of this technology for your next conference as it allows you to monitor who is entering your event. It is likely that you’ll only want those who have paid for a ticket or have received an invite to the event but if you don’t have a system in place, some uninvited guests could slip through the cracks. HID Prox cards are perfect for only allowing access to those who you have previously approved, so you won’t have to worry about this.

Final Verdict

As you can see, HID Prox cards and the technology that is used in these is very advanced and useful. Those who are running conferences in the coming year should consider investing in this tech prior to the event. This way, you’ll have a cost-effective solution that makes the entire event run a lot smoother. Make sure to consider all of these points before putting on your next event.

Posted in: Business


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