Complete Your Vision Map 토토.
In this step, I want you to become really clear about your goals and develop a path to achieve those goals. While you should have goals for different parts of your life (relationships, spirituality, health, etc.), for the purpose of this exercise, I’m referring to goals related to achieving financial freedom with real estate.
The problem is that most people don’t believe they can become financially free with real estate because the mere thought of it seems overwhelming.
We all want to be successful real estate investors so that we can retire and do the things we REALLY want to do. And in order to be successful, we’re taught to think big. Only if we think big can we really achieve greatness. That’s because if we don’t think big, we’re limited by our own experience, skills, and comfort zone. Thinking big forces us to think outside the box and outside of our comfort zone. It makes us think not of what’s probable, but what is possible.
The problem with thinking big comes when it’s divorced from actionable goals that pave the way to reaching those big dreams. In other words, you need to think BIG but have a small-scale PLAN, at least enough of one to know what you should be doing next.
To connect the dream with the plan, I have my students go through a process I call the “Vision Map Exercise”. I call it by that name because it combines “Vision” (i.e., thinking big) with a map (or plan) of how to get there. The map consists of milestones over twelve months, ninety days, and this week.
How the Vision Map Works You can create a Vision Map for every area of your life: business/financial, health, relationships, recreation (fun!), spirituality, giving, and any other area that’s important to you. For each area of your life, write down an “I am” statement for what you want to be, do, or have. I encourage you to write these in the present tense, which helps you to visualize yourself reaching this goal.
For example, let’s assume you have a financial dream of quitting your job in three to five years by accumulating multifamily units. You might have this “I am” statement:
I am financially free. I no longer have to work for money.
This is your BIG idea, your vision.
Next, you associate a goal with the big idea so that you know if you’ve achieved it. This goal is specific, measurable, and written in the present tense, like this:
By (such and such date), I am earning $10,000 per month in passive income.
If you’re starting from zero, then you might have no idea of how you’re going to accomplish this goal. That’s a GREAT sign of thinking BIG. So far so good.
Next, you want to break this down into a twelve-month goal, perhaps something like this:
I have closed on my first deal (10?20 units), and it cash flows $2,500 per month.
This starts to become a bit more real! Instead of a daunting goal of $10K per month, you just have to focus on that ONE thing: the first deal, a 10- to 20-unit apartment building.
Next, translate that twelve-month goal into a ninety-day goal. I like the ninety-day time frame because it’s long enough to achieve something meaningful but short enough to see yourself achieving the goal if you hustle. Something like this:
In ninety days, I have built my team of property managers and lenders, met with ten investors, analyzed fifty deals, and made twenty offers.
Definitely an achievable goal if you work at it. And, finally, translate that into your goals for THIS week, perhaps like this:
This week I have spoken with one property manager, met with one potential investor, and analyzed five deals.
And now what you need to do TODAY becomes much clearer:
Today I will call one property manager.
It’s critical that you think BIG, no question. But many people fail to connect their big thinking with what they need to do TODAY, right now. And if you can’t do that, you’ll feel overwhelmed and give up before you even get started. So don’t fall into the “think big” trap. Complete the Vision Map exercise to gain clarity not only about your vision but about how to get there.
You can download a Vision Map template from the Companion Course. It contains the steps of the Financial Freedom Blueprint. Start with those and modify them to meet your personal goals and vision.
To download the Vision Map template, go to > Chapter 8: Complete Your Vision Map > Lesson #1: Vision Map and 90-Day Plan.
Now that we’re clear about what we want (and don’t want), it’s time to move on to the next step in the Financial Freedom Blueprint: The Pre-Launch Sequence.