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Posted by on December 27, 2019

Having an Orthodontal treatment that is not visible or to be more precise, which does not make you awkward during social situations is like a dose of happiness for all those facing these issues. Well, this dose of Happiness is called Invisalign. These are transparent aligners that help in treating a number of orthodontal problems just like the braces.

According to statistics, more than 5 million people have tried this new technique to get their treatments done.

But, every treatment serves its own set of positives and negatives. And so, Invisalign orthodontic treatment also has its own share of issues it can treat and others it cannot.

 Issues that can be treated by Invisalign

Crooked Teeth: No more bearing the pain and discomfort of the metal braces because the clear Invisalign can treat them all.

  • Overbite: It is the case when the teeth of the upper jaw are far in front of the lower jaw teeth. This could lead to chewing and eating problems. Getting Invisalign can fix this problem of Overbite.
  • Underbite: It is the case when the teeth of the lower jaw are in front of the upper jaw teeth. This situation can cause speech difficulties. The Invisalign can help in moving the teeth backward and align them. In very extreme cases, brack might have to be put with Invisalign.
  • Invisalign for gaps between the teeth: This is quite a common problem, and hence can be treated with the help of Invisalign. But while getting them, one question that arises is how long for Invisalign to close gaps? The duration is not a lot, and varies between 12-13 weeks or more, depending on the complexity.
  • Crowded Teeth: The crowded teeth can cause some problems including plaque building up and pain in case of crowding at the gums. This can be treated well with the help of Invisalign.

Issues that cannot be treated by Invisalign

Invisalign are not as efficient as braces, and cannot treat some of the major and complex orthodontal issues that include:

  • Tooth Shape: In complex cases, the tooth shape can’t be fixed inside the aligners and hence, can’t be treated with it.
  • Large Gaps between Teeth: in case of two or more gaps, it becomes tough to treat them through aligners as they do not have as much force as braces. These aligners can close a maximum gap of 6mm.
  • Intrusion and Extrusion: In the case of movement of the teeth, the Invisalign fail to move them effectively and the role of braces comes to place in such complicated cases.

Before getting any treatment we always wonder whether it has any side effects or not? So, is the case with Invisalign. Some queries include Invisalign causing Headaches and Can Invisalign affect your sinuses?

Well, the good part and answer to these are No, it does not cause any of the above problems and is rather a very sorted out treatment being preferred by many for normal orthodontal treatments.

Austin Dental Care is a professional dental clinic that takes care of your teeth and enhances that beautiful smile on your face.

With the improvements in techniques and technology, dental treatments are becoming possible and easier for almost all the minor and major dental issues.


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