Erectile dysfunction is one of the most recurrent reasons why men go to sex therapy. There are studies that show that its prevalence is 52% in some of its forms, mild, moderate, or severe. The latter only reaches 10%.
For many couples, sexual intercourse is a real problem and generates affective and emotional problems that seriously harm the couple’s health. Erectile dysfunction is the permanent inability to initiate or maintain an erection sufficient to allow satisfactory sexual intercourse. The fact of having had a “trigger” does not imply a sexual problem, since the causes can be multiple (fatigue, stress, physical …). However, if the problem is recurrent, it is advisable to go to a sex specialist in Delhi. It is always recommended that the first specialist be the best sexologist in Delhi, to rule out an organic cause, and later go to sexual therapy.
In many cases, it is overlooked, erectile dysfunction is not given importance. Phrases like “don’t worry”, “it’s normal”, “it happens to everyone” when it has not been an isolated case only cause more anxiety in men, which in turn decreases the probability of having a continued erection. This process is known as the vicious cycle of erectile dysfunction, which goes from not being able to have an erection, thinking about it repeatedly, wanting to have it and not being able to because of the stress and pressure that exists in the sexual act due to the expectations created from the first “no erection”, explains sexologist in Delhi.
At Dr. P K Gupta’s Sexologist Clinic in Delhi, we train sexual habits and behavior to be able to have erections without the pressure of having to culminate with penetration, and on the other, modify expectations before sexual encounters, as well as training in techniques to reduce anxiety levels.
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