In this article, sexologist in Delhi is going to present a study published in the Journal of Urology of the American Urology Association, which describes a scale to measure the impact of erectile dysfunction on the quality of life of patients. It is a very interesting and superior instrument, since until now the tools we had were not specific but rather general measures of psychological and sexual functioning.
Get ready to know how to establish the psychological impact of erectile dysfunction on your quality of life!
Ordering blood tests, performing studies such as penile doppler or monitoring of nocturnal penile tumescence and taking objective tests of sexual functioning such as the International Index of Erectile Function are part of the treatment process carried out by a sex specialist doctor in Delhi, particularly in the evaluation and diagnosis stage. But it is also key to analyze how the sexual problem impacts the patient’s life and that of his partner.
Particularly when it comes to chronic erectile dysfunction, with treatments that did not have a positive result or even if it is associated with other couple problems, the man’s mood and the stability of his relationship are put at risk. That is why in the first consultation with the best sexologist in Delhi it is important to use validated tests to measure not only the level of negative impact of sexual dysfunction, but also the specific areas in which each individual patient is affected.
Erectile dysfunction affects far beyond the confines of the marital bedroom.
The man feels bad about himself, with his self-esteem, and in relationships with other people, including the workplace and other aspects of his daily life.
A work called: ” Study of the quality of life in men with erectile dysfunction” describes the development of an instrument called Psychological Impact of Erectile Dysfunction. What is interesting is that, unlike two other tests that were created previously, it not only includes a global measure of impact but also measures several more specific aspects. This gives the possibility of working in more detail on specific factors. Basically, this scale measures two large areas. On the one hand, the impact of erectile dysfunction on the sexual experience. On the other hand, its consequences in emotional life. It consists of 16 items, which are solved in a few minutes.
With this sample, you can think of your own answers and have a first approach to the impact of this problem on your emotional and sexual life.
In this way, the sexologist doctor in Delhi can have greater clarity about the need to refer to psychotherapy, and the psychologist can have initial information related to points to work on with the patient and the couple. Thinking that erectile dysfunction is reduced to the study and treatment of the penis is not practicing sexual medicine.
Remember that making a consultation with an expert sexologist in Delhi is always better than not doing it.
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