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10 Complaints And Sexual Problems That Therapists Hear The Most

Jul. 26, 2020 by

From a distance, everyone’s sex life seems perfect, but no one is sure what happens between the sheets of others. According to a survey, 56% of women and 51% of Indian men are dissatisfied with sex. But, after all, what

Sex And Pleasure

Jul. 25, 2020 by

Good sex is the result of understanding how your body works. When it comes to sex, everyone likes different things, so do not worry about whether you are “normal” or not. How do people have sex? There is no one way

How to Avoid Premature Ejaculation

Jul. 22, 2020 by

Many men raise doubts and wonder how to avoid premature ejaculation, especially during adolescence. Fear on the subject, along with misinformation and a sedentary life, makes the sexual act often burdened with anxiety. Sexologist in Delhi advises that the couple spend more time

Until what age does the penis grow in men?

Jul. 20, 2020 by

You are not the only one wondering how old the penis grows and the answer is not easy, it depends on several factors. Many men wonder how old the penis grows and the truth is that the development of the

Low Sex Drive at 20? These are the causes

Jul. 18, 2020 by

It is believed that young people are those who enjoy a full and vigorous sex life, but sex specialist in Delhi warns that every day it is more common to encounter problems of low sexual desire at 20, why? The factors can

Fear of Intimacy as a Couple

Jul. 17, 2020 by

High levels of anxiety, low self-concept, emotional problems, shyness, pain … there are several reasons that can hinder your sexual relations, says sexologist in Delhi. Learn to control that fear of intimacy. Why does fear of intimacy appear as a couple?

Health Benefits of Sexual Act

Jul. 16, 2020 by

Sex, from masturbation to intercourse, can have many benefits for physical, emotional, and psychological health. According to sexologist in Delhi, these are the 10 advantages that sexual activity brings and that have been proven by science. Pleasure aside, sex is one of the most

In a pandemic, men could be more concerned with erectile dysfunction

Jul. 15, 2020 by

In these times, some pleasures may be low. The signs are subtle but pay attention. In the United Kingdom, for example, one of the most popular health care services, that of Superdrug Online Doctor, reports from February to June an increase

Sexual breakdown: the do’s and don’ts

Jul. 6, 2020 by

Sexual breakdown happens. But how do you manage this delicate situation? The impossibility of obtaining a valid or lasting erection can indeed cause discomfort in the woman partner, who often does not know how to react. So, what to do and what not

Specialized Consultation on Erectile Dysfunction

Jul. 3, 2020 by

1 in 5 men suffers from erectile dysfunction or impotence in India. This pathology can cause physical, psychological, and emotional problems in many men and their partners. For this reason, at Dr. P K Gupta Sexologist Clinic in Delhi, we have