Erectile dysfunction, which has become a difficult topic for men to socialize; Also known as male sexual impotence, it is a frequent reason for consultation in the sexology service. Erectile dysfunction is the persistent inability to get or maintain an erection that allows for satisfactory sexual intercourse. This difficulty must occur in more than 75% of sexual encounters and remain for at least 6 months, says Dr. P K Gupta, a sexologist in Delhi.
It is estimated that in the general population of healthy men between the ages of 40 and 70, 52% have erectile dysfunction.
It is important to note that erectile dysfunction is considered a disease, but it can also be a symptom or a reflection of an underlying problem. It is a symptom that can be due to an affectation of vessels and nerves responsible for the erection, be it due to smoking, diabetes, hypertension, sedentary lifestyle, overweight or obesity; but it can also be the result of a stressful situation such as a work problem or a relationship problem. This symptom occurs frequently, so it is important to treat it early as it can affect relationships with your partner, family, work and social environment.
When patients report erectile dysfunction, they notice a change in the quality of the erection, in the time it takes to achieve it or in the ability to maintain it, making it impossible for them to achieve a satisfactory sexual relationship, says the sex specialist in Delhi.
The causes of erectile dysfunction are classified into two: an organic cause, where vascular, neurogenic, anatomical or endocrinological causes can be found; and a psychogenic cause, which can be situational or generalized. Illnesses such as anxiety (often caused by the fear of not getting an erection or of disappointing a woman), depression, problems with a partner and even stress can affect you. There are also drugs that can alter sexual performance, some drugs to treat hypertension, heart disease, and psychiatric disorders; so your sexologist doctor in Delhi will always ask about the consumption of these medications in the consultation.
There are multiple risk factors for developing it, among which we must highlight smoking, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol problems, being overweight and sedentary; so the identification and control of these diseases is very important to improve the symptom. The best sexologist in Delhi will always recommend leading a healthy lifestyle with healthy eating, regular exercise and a reduction in the consumption of toxins, both to prevent it and to control it.
Within the diagnosis of this pathology, the best sex doctor in Delhi will carry out a complete medical history with a complete physical examination and will request a series of blood tests to begin to rule out all those pathologies that may be generating or increasing the problem. There are also other diagnostic aids such as penile Doppler ultrasound that can provide us with more data to further understand the patient’s pathology.
Fortunately, there are multiple options for erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi to control this pathology. The first recommendations will always be to lead a healthy lifestyle and control the underlying pathologies. Depending on the case, certain pharmacological treatments such as sildenafil or tadalafil could be indicated, medications could be indicated to inject directly into the penis or as a last measure, a penile prosthesis could be placed. All patients are different, and each patient responds differently to treatments; so it is very important to always consult the top sexologist in Delhi and follow their recommendations.
Erectile dysfunction is a pathology that must be approached from a comprehensive perspective, since it encompasses biological, psychological and social aspects of the patient; There is no general formula to handle it, but there are many alternatives, so take courage, do not hesitate to consult your expert sexologist in Delhi.
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