Sexual abstinence is about depriving yourself of having sex. But why is it practiced? This is what we will see in this article, as it has its advantages and disadvantages.
When we talk about sexual abstinence we mean not having sex of any kind. However, it is true that many people understand abstinence as not having relationships based on intercourse. Therefore, it is a concept that has a different meaning for each population group.
But why would someone choose to be sexually abstinent? Well, sometimes, if you don’t have a partner and you don’t intend to have sex with someone with whom you don’t have this bond, then abstinence will be present.
Another circumstance in which sexual abstinence can be practiced is for religious reasons. This is known as celibacy and people who have these beliefs want, of their own free will, to remain virgins. The abstinence reaches the point of not masturbating.
Finally, sexual abstinence can be practiced to avoid pregnancy, contract a sexually transmitted disease or infection (STI), or wait until you are ready to lose your virginity. This is interesting for young people, since the pressures to lose their virginity can have consequences if they are not careful.
How effective is abstinence?
The effectiveness of abstinence is very high if it is done well. In the event that it is carried out completely, that is, that no type of sexual contact is maintained with other people, the chances of contracting an STI or going through an unwanted pregnancy are nil. However, what happens when the abstinence is not total and only involves the lack of intercourse?
In these cases, that there are other types of sexual practices, special care must be taken, says sexologist in Delhi. It can be hard to resist vaginal penetration by both partners.
What can be done in sexual abstinence?
When sexual abstinence is not total, there may be another series of practices that allow a couple to enjoy sex without problems. For example, anal sex is a good way to do it without the risk of pregnancy. But keep in mind that diseases can be transmitted, says the best sexologist in Delhi.
Another practice that can be carried out, even if there is sexual abstinence, is masturbation. Hands can be used to give pleasure to the other person. The best thing about this practice is that it carries no risks. It is a safe method.
During sexual abstinence you can also give sensual massages, caresses, kisses and anything else that leaves room for the imagination. Therefore, it will be up to each person to decide if it will be complete or partial.
Problems associated with this method
Not everything is positive when we talk about this type of sexual abstinence. There are some aspects to which you need to pay attention.
Therefore, sexologist doctor in Delhi elaborate 4 of the big problems that usually occur when a person is abstinent. Taking them into account will allow you to assess the advantages and disadvantages.
1. Stress and anxiety
The first of the problems of sexual abstinence is anxiety and stress. Sex produces relaxation and it is clear that it is a basic need.
Withdrawal can lead to frustration by having to quell the urge, placate it, and even avoid touching (masturbating). Therefore, it must be taken into account that there will be stress.
2. Decreased sexual desire
The second of the problems that we can find is the decrease in desire. If the body gets used to not having intercourse or receiving pleasure, it may eventually quell this basic need.
The desire to have relationships can be difficult to recover and cause a great sense of frustration.
3. Weakening of the bond with the couple
The third of the problems is that the bond with the couple can be weakened. The two people have to be sexually abstinent for this not to happen and, even so, the lack of desire (or the decrease in it) can cause doubts to arise about whether they really want to be with the other person or not. Therefore, communication in the relationship is going to be very important.
4. Increased risk of erectile dysfunction
The fourth of the problems is that there is an increased risk of erectile dysfunction, warns sexologist in Delhi. This has nothing to do with a problem of stress or self-esteem, but simply sexual abstinence in men also causes loss of desire. At the time of resuming sexual intercourse, erectile dysfunction will be more present.
Sexual abstinence should not be a decision lightly
With all this, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of sexual abstinence, it is clear that it ensures that there will not be a pregnancy and that no STI will be contracted. However, using contraceptive methods can be valid, although it is clear that accidents can happen. Each person is free to decide. Regardless of the decision that is made, communication with the couple is essential, suggests the best sexologist in Delhi.
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