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Posted by on October 31, 2020

Simple and practical ways to start with an organic diet

The process of other creations continued when the earth was created billions of years ago. The first creations were completely organic. While vegetarians ate edible and natural plants, carnivores ate raw foods. The symbiosis process continued uninterrupted. Humans and animals have existed for a long time, but the risk of survival seems endless. Perhaps the simplest thing to do then is to eat a healthy diet.


As the subsistence economy gradually became commercialized, large-scale production was introduced. To meet the growing population demands, especially in industrial areas, crops should be planted on large tracks of land, while food animals should be raised in a highly controlled environment. Commercial agriculture and livestock were born in these.


Seasonal fruits are now available year-round. Different and more expensive pesticides have been introduced into plants as pests thrive. In gardens, air spraying of these pesticides is done by planes, thus polluting the environment. Farmers on small farms have learned to use inorganic fertilizers and chemicals to produce “nice looking” products.


Provide doses of antibiotics and other injections to help animals tolerate bacterial and viral infections related to livestock breeding and development. They feed on commercially produced feeds, which contain inorganic compounds. Take, for example, corn used in feed production. New genetically modified (GMO) maize varieties have been introduced. These varieties are highly dependent on inorganic chemicals and fertilizers. The chemicals are then sent to the corn and then to the animals that eat the final product. People instead eat animal by-products such as pork, beef or poultry or milk and eggs. The new process came forward.


These inorganic inputs have been found to cause new types of human diseases. As mortality rates have risen and life expectancy has decreased, concern over organic food has increased in recent decades. Turning to organic farming, establishing authority and policies for organic food certification, and advocacy with environmental laws and conservation movements continues to grow.


Make organic food product delicate. Cultivating the food that a person normally eats is an easy and safe way to ensure that one is healthy. A small garden contains a variety of herbs and vegetables and provides the daily food requirement of the family. Spices and condiments can be grown in containers, but vines are provided to cover the fence of the compound. Specific crops can be planted in gardens and varieties suitable for family needs. For example, donating to neighbors is also a definite idea as part of expressing kindness and appreciation.

Do composting. One of the worst problems facing a growing population. The best way to process them for biodegradable content is through composting. The direct way is to turn the backyard into a composting area. Throw the remaining fruits and vegetable skins and vegetables in the composting area and let the rest be earthworms. If there is no backyard, place the earthworms in a container where the composting process will take place. Earthworm excrement is the best soil in the world!


Regular physical examination. Some organic foods are not “attractive”, they have defects that indicate the poor appearance of the crop. They are also small in size. Do not be fooled by this unpleasant appearance, because the signs that fruits or vegetables are not sprayed with pesticides. Many newly introduced varieties are highly dependent on pesticides and inorganic fertilizers and will not survive if planted organically. For example, to protect flawless and soft bananas wrapped in a plastic bag and sprayed with pesticides from pests.


It is not expensive to have organic food, but going for organic needs and willpower. The market today is programmed for society and the human mind to eat unhealthy food. Getting out of this loop takes patience and constructive thinking. Each person must be accountable for his or her choice and the choices are permanent. Read More at Organic Providers


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