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Posted by on January 21, 2023

Brain injuries may seem like an abstract concept, but for those who’ve had to deal with them firsthand, they are anything but abstract. Anyone who has been through the long, arduous process of recovering from a brain injury will tell you that it isn’t easy. But this difficult road often leads to a beautiful destination—the person you were before the accident and the person you are today. The road there is not always smooth, and your destination may be different than you had imagined. That said, what type of brain injury do you have? The answer explains how much money you stand to lose if you don’t get compensation in your case. Brain injuries can come in a variety of forms and severities. These differences affect how your case is treated in court, how much money you can expect to receive for your recovery costs, and even where in your body your injury occurred (e.g., head or neck). Keep reading so that you know the most about what happens when someone sustains a brain injury. Click here

Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the most common kind of brain injury. It is typically due to a blow or jolt to the head, which causes damage to the skull and brain. A mild concussion may cause headache, nausea, dizziness, light-headedness, and sensitivity to light or sound. A moderate or severe concussion can result in permanent changes such as memory loss and difficulty thinking clearly. A TBI may occur when an individual falls from a height or gets hit by something like a car or other object. In some cases, a TBI is caused by physical abuse. 

What Type of Compensation?

If your case was filed as an accident under California law, you will be eligible for $150,000 in compensation for medical bills and lost wages up to $25,000 from work related to your injury. You will also receive $750 per month for as long as you are disabled from your injury. If it was filed as negligence on behalf of someone else who caused your injuries through their actions (e.g., business), you would only be able to recover money for medical bills and lost wages up to $600 per month until you are no longer disabled from your injury.

 How Much Could I Be Compensated?

The amount that you could expect depends on the severity of your injuries and the types of damages that they have incurred. Mild: $1 million in medical damages Moderate: $5 million in medical

Concussion or Sports-Related Brain Injury

Concussions are a type of brain injury that can be caused by a blow to the head—usually from an object like a ball, stick, or fist. Some other causes of concussion include whiplash and car accidents. A concussion is a “catchall” term for any type of brain injury that results in temporary health issues. One major difference between a concussion and other types of brain injuries is that it is much easier to prove the cause in most cases. This means you will likely have more financial success in your case if you’re able to prove that someone else caused it. The severity of the injury also varies depending on how long the person was knocked unconscious. A minor concussion can lead to headaches, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue as well as difficulty with cognition and sleep. It may last anywhere from a few hours up to several days. On the other hand, a moderate-to-severe concussion can result in some or all of the following: life-threatening problems such as seizures, coma, death; mental illness; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms; anxiety disorders; depression; mood disorders; chronic pain syndromes including headache and chronic back pain; cognitive deficits that affect memory and learning ability; personality changes such as increased irritability, impulsiveness, short temper, aggressiveness or hypersensitivity to stimuli that were “normal” before the brain injury occurred.

Aneurysm or Hemorrhage Brain Injury

Aneurysms are small, bulging blood vessels that no longer function properly. They can cause a variety of symptoms, including headaches and fainting spells. If you have an aneurysm in your brain, the symptoms may be minor or very severe. An aneurysm is usually repaired through surgery. However, if it ruptures while you are still alive, you will likely die due to complications (e.g., loss of oxygen supply). If your aneurysm ruptures while you’re still alive and you don’t have a surgical repair, there is a chance of permanent brain damage or death due to complications like hemorrhage and infection.

Scalp Cell Damage Brain Injury

The most common type of brain injury is a scalp cell damage brain injury. This type of injury occurs when the cells in your brain are bruised due to blunt force trauma. The effects can be devastating and can lead to severe impairment. With a scalp cell damage brain injury, you will normally have scarring on your scalp as well as a headache or migraine. These may be accompanied by other symptoms such as memory loss, blurred vision, difficulty speaking, and coordination problems. Additionally, these injuries can cause seizures and/or epileptic-like episodes that may be triggered by certain stimuli or situations. You may also suffer from personality changes such as depression, anxiety, irritability, and more.

Cerebral Palsy Brain Injuries

A cerebral palsy brain injury means that the person has a brain injury that causes movement disorders, such as spasticity, rigidity, or ataxia. They’re caused by an insult to the central nervous system. This could be the result of an accident or a disease. Cerebral palsy can cause speech problems and impair the ability to walk. It’s also associated with cognitive impairment and autism-like symptoms. The average cost of a cerebral palsy brain injury is $1 million in lost lifetime earnings because of disability, according to the Brain Injury Association of America. The average lifetime cost for someone living with this brain injury is $3 million.

Diffuse Axonal injury Brain Injuries

The most common type of brain injury is a diffuse axonal injury, which often causes symptoms like speech or hearing impairment and memory loss. Drowning, car accidents, and other types of trauma are the most common causes. 


Brain injuries can vary based on the cause and the type of injury. Sometimes, brain injuries are caused by dangerous incidents such as car crashes, and other times, they can be caused by medical conditions. There are five main types of brain injuries, including traumatic brain injury, concussion or sports-related brain injury, aneurysm or hemorrhage brain injury, scalp cell damage brain injury, and diffuse axonal injury brain injuries.


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