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Posted by on February 17, 2024

Dyslexia, a learning disorder affecting reading and writing skills, is a common condition that many students face in schools worldwide. As educators and parents strive to provide the necessary support for these individuals, it becomes crucial to delve into the facts surrounding dyslexia and its associated challenges. This comprehensive article aims to shed light on various aspects of dyslexia in school settings, exploring both its impact on students as well as the strategies employed by educators to foster success. By understanding these realities and their implications, we can collectively ensure an inclusive learning environment where every student with dyslexia can excel academically and emotionally. Learn more about Sage School here.

Understanding Dyslexia: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevalence

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects the way the brain processes language. It is not caused by intelligence or lack of effort, but rather by differences in brain structure and function. Although dyslexia has no cure, early identification and intervention can greatly improve reading skills.


  • The exact causes of dyslexia are still unknown.
  • Research suggests that it may be genetic, as it tends to run in families.
  • Brain imaging studies have shown differences in brain activity between individuals with dyslexia and those without.


  • Difficulties with reading accuracy and fluency are common symptoms of dyslexia.
  • Other symptoms include problems with spelling, writing, sequencing tasks, and understanding spoken language.
  • Individuals with dyslexia often struggle to decode words phonetically or remember sight words.


  • Dyslexia affects up to 20% of the population worldwide.
  • It does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or intelligence level.
  • Boys are more commonly diagnosed with dyslexia than girls.

Challenges Faced by Students with Dyslexia in School

Dyslexic students often struggle with reading, writing, and spelling tasks in school. They may have difficulty decoding words, recognizing sight words, and comprehending written text. This can make it challenging for them to keep up with classroom assignments and tests.

Many dyslexic students also face difficulties with organization and time management. They may struggle to plan their work, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines. This can lead to increased stress levels and difficulty completing assignments on time.

In addition, dyslexic students may experience low self-esteem due to their struggles. They might feel embarrassed or ashamed when they make mistakes or are unable to perform at the same level as their peers. This can impact their overall motivation and engagement in school.

It’s important for educators and parents to provide appropriate support and accommodations for dyslexic students so that they can thrive academically despite these challenges.

The Role of Educators and Parents in Promoting Success for Students with Dyslexia

  • Early Identification and Intervention: Educators and parents play a crucial role in identifying dyslexia in students at an early age. By recognizing the signs such as difficulty with reading, spelling, and writing, they can seek appropriate testing and intervention services.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: Creating a supportive learning environment is essential for students with dyslexia. Educators should provide necessary accommodations such as extended time on assignments or assistive technology to help these students succeed academically.
  • Structured Teaching Approach: Implementing structured teaching methods that incorporate multisensory techniques can greatly benefit students with dyslexia. Breaking down tasks into smaller steps, using visual aids, providing explicit instruction, and offering frequent opportunities for practice are effective strategies.

Parents also play a critical role in supporting their child’s success:

  • Advocacy: As advocates for their child’s educational needs, parents should actively engage with teachers, school administrators, and support professionals to ensure appropriate accommodations are provided. They can also join relevant parent support groups to gain knowledge about resources available within the community.
  • Home Support: Creating a positive home environment that encourages reading activities can reinforce literacy skills outside of school hours. Parents may work closely with educators to understand specific areas where their child needs assistance so they can provide targeted support at home.

By collaborating closely together – educators utilizing effective instructional methods while parents offering additional encouragement – we can empower students with dyslexia to reach their full potential despite the challenges they face due to this learning difference.


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