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5 Reasons Why You Should Invest Your Spare Change

January 29, 2024 at 1:05 pm / by

Change Saving | Image Resource:

Many live by the motto ‘You live only once’ and do not believe in saving money. It is important to understand that saving substantially is all about building a habit. It takes time to build a habit and it is no different for saving and investing.

You should slowly build your investing and saving habits to reach your financial goals. The idea of saving and investing may not appeal to you when you do not have enough money or knowledge about investing. However, this should not stop you from learning how to save.

You can invest the everyday spare change from your everyday tea or coffee. You can become rich by investing in your spare change. The spare change can be used for micro-investing and it is one of the safest ways to start your investment journey.

Reasons for investing your spare change

You should start to invest early with whatever amount you have in hand and grow it gradually. The change saving allows you to collect spare change as low as Rs 1. All you have to do is spend the money with the app and set up the round-up amount. The round-up amount can be Rs. 10, 50 or 100. Once you collect Rs. 100 through your spare change it is invested in mutual funds of your choice.

You can consider spare change investing as the ‘Digital piggy bank’ that will help to save the spare change for the future. Regardless of age, developing a saving habit is important. You do not need a lot of money to start saving. Saving your spare change will help to build a disciplined approach to saving as each purchase contributes to spare change investment.

You should listen to the words ‘Save for your retirement now’. By investing early you can retire early and save up enough money. Wise investment decisions with a financial advisor will help you achieve the standard of living you want.

If you are interested in saving money without compromising your financial security then you can start investing your spare change. It is a safe way to invest as the money saved gets invested in the mutual fund of your choice directly.

All you have to do is activate the feature on the app and spend with it. The rounding-up and investing of the spare change will be taken care of.

Appreciate offers an app that provides the spare change investing feature.


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