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Posted by on July 17, 2019

Nephritic Syndrome

Often, nephritic syndrome occurs secondarily as a result of autoimmune systemic diseases. However, it can also be due to both generalized and local infections.

Nephritic syndrome treatment is intended to prevent serious complications of life – threatening and chronic glomerulonephritis and chronic renal disease. In this regard, ensure timely medical assistance, greatly improving patient, suggests top kidney specialist in Delhi.

It is called nephritic syndrome symptoms caused by inflammation of the glomeruli. The glomerulus are some renal units that handle the filtering process. This disease is characterized by sudden onset of hematuria, oliguria, proteinuria and edema. Usually, it is accompanied by renal impairment and hypertension, explains doctor for kidney in Delhi.

How nephritic syndrome occurs?

According to the best kidney specialist in Delhi, nephritic syndrome occurs when an injury occurs as a result of inflammation of the kidney glomeruli. This allows the passage of plasma proteins into the urine and blood cells. As a result, the blood clearance is reduced and significantly decreases urine production at risk of absence of diuresis (anuria). This situation results in an accumulation of nitrogenous substances in the blood and also causes water retention and salts (edema) and hypertension.

Some causes of nephritic syndrome


  • bacterial infections (streptococci, staphylococci, or pneumococci)
  • viral infections (hepatitis B and C or HIV infection)
  • Parasitic infections (eg, malaria)
  • fungal infections or fungal infections

Vasculitis or inflammation of blood vessels

  • Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
  • Granulomatosis con poliangitis
  • Crioglobulinemia

Immune Disorders

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus)
  • Goodpasture

Other Causes

  • nephritis hereditaria


Top nephrologist in Delhi suggest screening for nephritic syndrome before symptoms of bleeding in the urine and fluid retention (edema). The diagnosis is confirmed with the results of laboratory tests which indicate renal dysfunction and blood cells and protein in the urine.

If you suspect something more serious, a renal biopsy is performed to confirm the diagnosis. This is done to determine the cause and extent of scar tissue. Also, to estimate the chances of reversing the damage.

Nephritic Syndrome Treatment

There is no specific treatment to cure nephritic syndrome. However, depending on the severity of symptoms and their cause, the doctor will suggest some care and medications. The main objective is to reduce inflammation, edema and hypertension. If the kidneys were not able to cleanse the blood of toxins and waste fluids, it is likely to be required to dialysis, suggests the best nephrologist in Delhi.

General Care Measures

In the acute phase, the treatment of nephritic syndrome is mainly based on the rest. Also, they make periodic reviews of body weight, blood pressure and renal and cardiovascular status both. To reduce symptoms and prevent complications, the kidney specialist in Delhi may suggest:

  • Maintain good water balance and daily diet.
  • A low sodium diet with strict fluid restriction.
  • In renal failure and oliguria, should also restrict phosphates and potassium.
  • a low-protein diet is advised.

Pharmacological Measures

  1. Antibiotics

In the treatment of nephritic syndrome, antibiotics will be administered only if there is an active bacterial infection. The formula and dose may vary depending on the patient, the cause and severity. Usually they used:

  • Penicillin G oral dose of 125 mg every 6 hours for 10 days or penicillin benzathine intramuscularly (600,000 to 1,200,000 U, single doses)
  • In allergic patients, erythromycin is used orally (125-250 mg every 6 hours) for 10 days.
  1. Diuretics

Loop diuretics are administered when there circulatory overload clinic : edema or hypertension. They are also indicated if radiologically signs of congestive heart failure are detected.

  • The dose of furosemide is 0.5-2 mg / kg / day orally for moderate cases.
  • If there is a severe overload, the dose may be increased to 10 mg / kg / day.
  1. Antihypertensive

If despite improving diet and diuretics blood pressure is not stabilized, antihypertensive drugs be included in the treatment.

  • inhibitors of the enzyme angiotensin converting are not advisable because it increases potassium levels.
  • Vasodilating and hydralazine dose of 0.5-2 mg / kg / day orally.
  • Calcium antagonists such as nifedipine 0.25-2 mg / kg / day, in 2 or 3 doses.
  1. vasodilators

To hypertensive crisis, hypertensive encephalopathy, acute pulmonary edema, hospitalization is required in an intensive care unit and administered vasodilators.

  • alpha and beta blockers such as labetalol (1.3 mg / kg / h, intravenously, or 4 mg / kg / day in 1 or 2 doses, orally)
  • Nitroprusside intravenous infusion (0.5-8 mg / kg / min or 12 mg / kg / dose / h)
  1. Dialysis

A small number of patients with nephritic syndrome ever need dialysis. Usually it has done when the kidneys are damaged which prevents them from working properly. The nephrologist in Delhi may suggest peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis.


With timely intervention, most cases evolve favorably. Within days, an acceptable diuresis is reset. After two or three weeks, edema, hypertension and disappear hematuria.

However, in certain cases, hematuria may persist up to 2 years without involving complications or a poor prognosis. Some of the complications that could arise are:


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