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Kidney Diseases: Know the 5 Most Common Types

Kidney Diseases: Know the 5 Most Common Types

Jan. 3, 2020 by

In India, one in ten Indians suffer from kidney disease. Drinking more water and reducing salt content can avoid the problem. The kidneys are responsible for controlling the elimination of fluids and excretions, as well as producing hormones that can

Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease

Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease

Dec. 7, 2019 by

Anemia is one of the most frequent symptoms associated with chronic renal failure. Patients with anemia have a higher risk of mortality and cardiovascular complications, as well as a reduction in their quality of life and an increase in the



Dec. 5, 2019 by

Introduction Chronic renal failure, also known as chronic kidney disease, is a silent and fairly common disease, despite receiving very little publicity and being unknown to the majority of the population. In this article, the best nephrologist in Delhi explains what are

Loss of Muscle Mass and Strength in Chronic Kidney Disease

Loss of Muscle Mass and Strength in Chronic Kidney Disease

Nov. 25, 2019 by

Muscle is one of the largest affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD), due to various factors associated with kidney degradation. To this are added factors that also contribute to this loss of muscle tissue, such as the patient’s age, comorbidities

Tests and Diagnosis of Kidney Disease

Tests and Diagnosis of Kidney Disease

Nov. 20, 2019 by

How can I know if I have kidney disease? According to the best nephrologist in Delhi, In general, kidney disease in its initial stage has no symptoms. The only way to know how well your kidneys are working is to be

Acute Urine Retention: Causes and Solutions

Acute Urine Retention: Causes and Solutions

Sep. 28, 2019 by

Problems when urinating are issues that cause both physical discomfort and worsening of the quality of life, being limiting for those who suffer from them. An example is urine retention. Nephrologist in Delhi explains what this pathology consists of, its causes

Nephritis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Nephritis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Jul. 30, 2019 by

The kidneys are vital organs that fulfill such important functions as purifying the blood and helping to eliminate toxins, which is essential to maintain the health of the organism in perfect conditions. Among the different disorders that the kidneys can suffer,

Nephritic Syndrome Treatment

Nephritic Syndrome Treatment

Jul. 17, 2019 by

Often, nephritic syndrome occurs secondarily as a result of autoimmune systemic diseases. However, it can also be due to both generalized and local infections. Nephritic syndrome treatment is intended to prevent serious complications of life – threatening and chronic glomerulonephritis and chronic renal

Kidney transplant: the opportunity to live longer and with better health

Jun. 21, 2019 by

Like therapeutic approaches for end-stage renal failure, choosing to receive or not receive treatment is a very personal decision. If you choose to receive treatment, a kidney transplant in Delhi may not only be a good option, but it may also offer you

How to take care of your kidneys to prevent kidney disease

How to take care of your kidneys to prevent kidney disease

May. 30, 2019 by

The kidneys are an organ of regulation of internal balance. By filtering the blood, the kidneys remove the waste substances and recover those that are necessary. In addition, the kidneys are responsible for the acid-base balance of the body, are part of