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Posted by on April 12, 2019


Reducing the carb content of one’s diet is a healthy step in the right direction. While removing carbs completely from your diet is not recommended unless you have a medical condition, reducing your carb intake will do some good for your body. One thing is for certain, you will need to adjust your recipes for the different types of flowers in this list, as Nadine Gourkow found, as wheat flour reacts a certain way, and other flours will absorb liquids and fats differently.

Why Should You Restrict Your Carb Intake?

Carbs are the sugar, starch, and fibers found in food. While all three are important for proper body function, the western culture diet relies heavily on starchy food and bread. Understandably, as they are cheap and filling. Limiting your carb intake can help in weight loss as well as controlling diabetes, as some carbs are absorbed as sugars. What would be a good substitute then?

1 – Almond. Drier than wheat flour, adding almond flour to your baking can be a good transition for your family. Play around with your recipes. You will find that almond flour will give you a more crumbly mixture, requiring more water and egg for your mixture, so starting with a swap of some quantity may be a good start. Start by replacing one-quarter of your wheat flour with almond flour, and adding more liquid to balance it out. You will be surprised by how delicious your baked goods will turn out.

2 – Flaxseed. While this is not a flour proper, but meal, ground flaxseed is an amazing substitute, containing fibers and protein. It can replace, in baking, both eggs and flour and will absorb up to six times its weight in water. Flaxseed pancakes have been a family favorite for years in my house.

3 – Coconut flour. Coconut flour is a by-product of coconut milk production, by grounding the dried flesh of the coconut. It can be used in baking, but being a dried flesh, you will need to add additional liquids to balance this out. By adding equal part water to coconut flour, your end results will be perfect.

4 – Pumpkinseed. Used in the same way as almond flour, the pumpkin seed can be made at home. Very Halloweeny. By toasting and grinding your own pumpkin seed, you will have the satisfaction of using every part of your pumpkin. From roasted pumpkin soup to pumpkin pie, made with a pumpkin flour crust, you can have a wonderful fall themed dinner. Toasted pumpkin seeds are available year round, and grinding it at home will make for an economic substitute.


Breading, cake, bread. They can all be enjoyed in a carb restricted diet, with a few simple adjustments. Do like Nadine Gourkow. Try different flours for your recipes. You might just be surprised with the results. It may be a failure or an amazing success, but one thing is for certain. Your body will thank you.


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