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Posted by on March 5, 2019

The reproductive system works a specific way and both a male and a female play important roles to start a pregnancy. Researchers are studying the difference between male and female fertility process to know more about male vs. female infertility. These research findings help design a safe and effective infertility treatment. This article discusses compares and contrasts male and female infertility process.

If you are your spouse appears to be infertile, this topic is for you.

male vs female infertility

Fertility vs Infertility

Fertility refers to the quality of being fertile of being able to reproduce. Some men and women are not fertile. Mean to say, they are not able to have kids. The couples who are not able to conceive may have infertility issue.

Azoospermia, where sperm cells are not produced, is the main cause of infertility in men. Whereas, ovulation disorders cause infertility in men. Infertility treatment can fix male or female infertility.


Male vs Female Infertility

The couples who have been attempting to conceive for at least 1 year without success often have minor to major fertility issue. There can be different reasons for infertility in men and women and the treatment techniques also differ. The following define the chances of getting pregnant:

  • Sufficient embryo quality
  • Healthy sperm from the man
  • Healthy eggs from the woman
  • The ability of sperm to reach the egg
  • The ability of sperm to fertilize the egg
  • The ability of the embryo to become implanted in the uterus

It is not always the fault of the woman; men can also be infertile. If a couple is not able to conceive, both partners should visit a fertility clinic for a thorough checkup. Sometimes, a minor change can enable the couple to have babies easily.


Ready to become Fertile?

From the above discussion, it is clear that infertility treatment in Dubai is a good option for infertile individuals. If you are planning to take this treatment, you may have further questions about it. It is easy to learn more about your infertility if you allow your doctor to study male vs. female infertility in your case. Just visit the nearest provider with a list of questions on your mind.


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