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Wicked Britches

Wicked Witches Kitchen

You’re in the mood for freaky food
You felt your taste buds itchin’
For nice fresh poison ivy greens
Try wicked witches kitchen!

She has corn on the cobweb, cauldron hot
She makes the meanest cider
But her broomstick cakes and milkweed shakes
Aren’t fit to feed a spider!

She likes to brew hot toadstool stew
“Come eat my sweet!” she’ll cackle.
But if you do…you’ll turn into,
A jack-o-lantern’s jackal!

(author unknown)

Witches Britches

I saw a witch upon her broom

Go flying through the midnight gloom

Her dress was whipping in the air

Behind her trailed her stringy hair

I wondered as I watched the sky

Do witches wear britches when they fly?
