An approx. 5 mm thick layer of cartilage covers the bone in the knee joint. The smooth surface of the cartilage allows the joint to move smoothly. In addition, the cartilage causes an even distribution of pressure and shock loads on the underlying bones. This protects the bone and prevents or reduces overstressing. The cartilage has no nerves and stops growing after puberty. This layer of cartilage accompanies us throughout life.
The cartilage undergoes natural aging. In doing so, it loses the ability to store water and the cartilage layer shrinks. The surface of the cartilage becomes brittle and cracks. This brittle surface is more prone to impacts and shear forces. This allows the cartilage to wear out or split off more quickly. Since the cartilage has no pain fibers, we do not feel this change at the beginning. Perhaps a rubbing noise (crepitation) is noticeable under greater stress. In contrast to cartilage, bone has pain fibers. If the bone is exposed, we feel the affected joint with the corresponding pain, explains the orthopaedic in Delhi.
However, the articular cartilage can also be damaged by chronic stress or an accident (trauma).
With acute cartilage damage, patients complain of blockage of the knee joint, swelling and pain. The extent of the discomfort depends on the size and depth of the cartilage defect and its location.
In the case of chronic cartilage damage, patients report start-up, stress, and inflammatory pain. The knee is swollen, and the mobility of the knee joint is limited. In addition, the patients have an unsteady gait, the knee joint feels unstable and in some cases kinks, says the orthopaedic in Delhi.
The damage to the articular cartilage can appear superficially with small cracks on the one hand, but on the other hand affect the entire cartilage in the knee. This causes the rough, painful surface of the bone to emerge.
Cartilage damage is divided into four stages:
In addition to the exact questioning (anamnesis) and well-founded clinical examinations of the knee joint, X-ray and MRI images are necessary. Based on these documents, the appropriate individual therapy can be discussed, says the orthopaedic doctor in Delhi.
The cartilage damage looks different depending on the cause, whether accidental (acute) or wear-related (chronic) and is treated differently accordingly. In the case of acute cartilage damage, for example, we have a clearly defined defect (punch defect) compared to healthy cartilage with sharp edges. This is not the case with chronic cartilage defects. If the cartilage defect is not treated, there is further cartilage wear of the knee joint and, in the further course, knee joint osteoarthritis.
Conservative therapy for cartilage damage is very limited. After puberty, the cartilage loses its self-healing potential, i.e. from this point onwards we have to get by with the cartilage for our entire life. For these reasons, the natural course of cartilage damage leads to deterioration. The cartilage damage gets bigger and deeper over time, which leads to a clinical deterioration with corresponding pain and restrictions in everyday life and during sporting activity. With conservative therapy, cartilage damage cannot be cured, but only alleviated by slowing down the wear and tear of the cartilage. The following conservative therapies are possible:
The surgical therapy of the cartilage damage depends on the size (extent) and depth of the defect and must be individually adapted. In addition, factors such as the integrity of the exposed bone, cartilage quality on the opposite side of the defect and the age of the cartilage defect play a decisive role, explains the orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi.
Furthermore, the younger the patient, the greater the chances of success of the methods described below for acute cartilage damage. These include:
The above-mentioned surgical techniques are mainly used for acute cartilage defects. In addition to age, the opposite side of the cartilage defect also plays a role. This should not show any major damage, otherwise the rough surface can negatively affect the outcome of the operation. Another option for covering more chronic cartilage defects is knee replacement in Delhi of the injured cartilage.
If the cartilage wear has progressed so far that finally bone rubs on bone (end stage of osteoarthritis), a partial prosthesis (e.g. a sled prosthesis, a kneecap glider replacement) or a knee replacement surgery in Delhi is necessary. A correction of bowlegs / knock knees (so-called corrective osteotomy) is sometimes necessary.
The follow-up treatment must be individually adapted to the previous operation. If cartilage therapy was carried out, the knee joint had to be relieved with walking sticks for six weeks. In the case of cartilage defects behind the kneecap, mobility is also restricted for six weeks. Patients with resurfacing can immediately put weight on and move the knee joint. To protect the soft tissues, however, walking sticks are recommended for around four weeks. Physiotherapy for several weeks to relieve swelling and strengthening and stretching of the thigh muscles are also important.
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