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When to Visit an Orthopaedic Specialist

When to Visit an Orthopaedic Specialist

Sep. 14, 2024 by

Orthopaedic conditions can significantly affect your daily life. Recognizing when to see a specialist can help prevent further damage and improve your quality of life. Here are some key signs to help you decide when it’s time to consult an orthopaedic

Achilles Tendon Tear

Achilles tendon rupture – treatment, surgery

Aug. 17, 2022 by

What is Achilles tendon rupture? An Achilles tendon rupture or rupture occurs when the tendon “ruptures or tears” leading to separation or discontinuity in the tissues that make up the tendon. In terms of anatomy, the Achilles tendon, a sort of fibrous “ribbon” or “cord”

Hip Osteoarthritis Treatment

Jul. 18, 2022 by

Hip arthrosis, also called coxarthrosis, belongs to a group of diseases called chronic degenerative diseases, that is, diseases that progressively evolve, affecting certain areas or tissues of the body. In the case of osteoarthritis of the hip, there is progressive



May. 20, 2022 by

During knee replacement surgery in Delhi, the damaged bone and cartilage are covered with metal and plastic components. In a unicompartmental knee replacement (also called a “partial” knee replacement), only part of the knee is covered. This procedure is an alternative to total

What are the symptoms of hip bursitis?

What are the symptoms of hip bursitis?

May. 5, 2022 by

Bursitis in the hip is an inflammation in a hip pouch, called a “bursa”. It is a relatively common problem and is known to cause pain and generate various discomforts for the patient. It is part of the great trochanter

10 Common Signs and Symptoms of Hip Wear

10 Common Signs and Symptoms of Hip Wear

Apr. 30, 2022 by

Hip wear (hip arthrosis) is a very frequent and limiting problem. It is the aging of articular cartilage that is responsible for free joint movement and pain-free. When the cartilage is worn out, the hip joint can no longer move

Shoulder Bursitis – What it is, Symptoms, Treatment, Cure

Shoulder Bursitis – What it is, Symptoms, Treatment, Cure

Mar. 31, 2021 by

What is shoulder bursitis? The shoulder bursitis results from an inflammation of the synovial bags (or bursae) that exist around this joint and the tendons of the rotator hood. It is one of the most frequent causes of pain in

What is an Arthroscopy and its Advantages?

What is an Arthroscopy and its Advantages?

Feb. 10, 2021 by

Arthroscopy in Delhi is a minimally invasive surgery, which is used for the diagnosis and treatment of the joints. It is performed by introducing an arthroscope connected to a high-resolution camera, which allows the joint to be viewed in its entirety

Meniscus Injury: Symptoms and Treatment

Meniscus Injury: Symptoms and Treatment

Aug. 11, 2020 by

Very often we hear people (young and old) with knee discomfort or accidents, which is one of the most common injuries, and end up sometimes undergoing meniscus surgery. With this article orthopaedic in Delhi explains you what meniscus are and how to

Scoliosis: Diagnosis and Prevention

Scoliosis: Diagnosis and Prevention

Jul. 15, 2020 by

Scoliosis produces a more or less pronounced curvature in the spine and can be treated in various ways. Gait studies have an important role in its diagnosis and prevention. When we talk about scoliosis, we immediately understand that we are