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Hip Fracture: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment

Hip Fracture: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment

Aug. 29, 2020 by

Overview A hip fracture means more than a broken bone. For the elderly, hip fracture means a major change in life. Most likely, surgery will be needed, and recovery may take more than a year, says orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi. The

Conditions That Cause Knee Pain

Conditions That Cause Knee Pain

Aug. 26, 2020 by

Overview Knee pain is one of the most common ailments among the population. Some of the most common reasons for knee pain are inflamed or torn ligaments and certain cartilage conditions, says orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi. The knee is a complex

Scoliosis: Diagnosis and Prevention

Scoliosis: Diagnosis and Prevention

Jul. 15, 2020 by

Scoliosis produces a more or less pronounced curvature in the spine and can be treated in various ways. Gait studies have an important role in its diagnosis and prevention. When we talk about scoliosis, we immediately understand that we are



Jul. 11, 2020 by

Clicking in the knee joint is a fairly common cause of patients turning to orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi. In some patients, these clicks are accompanied by pain, but in most cases, these clicks do not cause any extraneous sensations. Some patients may have

Wrist and Elbow Fractures: Symptoms and Treatment

Wrist and Elbow Fractures: Symptoms and Treatment

Jul. 7, 2020 by

To examine a distal radius fracture, your orthopaedic in Delhi will need to take an x-ray of the wrist. An open fracture is when the bone breaks through the skin. If the fracture extends into the joint, it is called an intra-articular fracture. Fractures that



Jul. 1, 2020 by

Osteoarthritis, or arthritis due to wear and tear, is a common disease that occurs in people mainly middle-aged and elderly. According to rough estimates, in 2011 in the United States 29 million people suffered from this disease. Any joint of the body

Knee Osteoarthritis: Chronic, But Manageable

Jun. 8, 2020 by

Osteoarthritis is caused by changes in the structure of the cartilage. Does it have a cure? The knee osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that progresses always has multiple causes and handling depends on the alteration that occurs in the daily life of the patient.



Jun. 2, 2020 by

Coxarthrosis, or osteoarthritis of the hip joint, is a degenerative process characterized by the wear of the cartilage of the hip joint, as well as the formation of osteophytes and bone spikes along the perimeter of the joint. Clinically, coxarthrosis is

Fractures of The Arm – Humeral Diaphysis

Fractures of The Arm – Humeral Diaphysis

May. 4, 2020 by

The long bones are part of the skeleton of the limbs. Through them, large-amplitude movements are performed, such as current gestures of daily life (the bones of the thoracic limb) as well as those necessary for walking (the bones of

Trochanteric Bursitis: Causes and Treatment Options

Trochanteric Bursitis: Causes and Treatment Options

Apr. 28, 2020 by

The bursae are small sacs filled with fluid that are found near the joints. The bursae help the joints to move easily, allowing the muscles and tendons to slide over the bones and other structures. The human body has over