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Posted by on April 30, 2020

Are you looking to transcribe audio to text? Or video to text? Whether you need to convert audio to text or create a transcription of your youtube videos or zoom meetings, Transcribear offers a fantastic transcribing service.

Transcribear allows users to quickly and easily create automatic transcriptions in a large variety of languages from Polish to Turkish to Chinese and, of course, English.

Transcribears services have become a favorite with many universities and educational establishments, including Oxford University Press, The University of Nottingham and The University of Southampton They also work in partnership with the Corpus of Chinese Academic Written and Spoken English (CAWSE). This project collects examples of English samples from Chinese students’ at the University of Nottingham.

Transcribing Options

There are two options for transcribing audio; manual and automatic. You’ll be able to manually transcribe text for free, by typing your audio into Transcribears all in one editing software. This is a great way to start using the software and to try out the editing features before moving onto automatic transcribing. The manual option is also great for students who are on a budget.

If you’re looking for a quicker way to transcribe audio to text, the automatic option is for you. The unique speech to text software will create a transcript for you in just a few minutes, there’s no waiting around to get your transcript back; everything is automatic. It is, however, good to be aware that the actual time it will take to transcribe your audio will depend on your internet connection and browser speed.

Transcribear offers several payment options depending on how many hours of audio you want to transcribe. You’ll also receive a free trial when you first sign up, you’ll be able to transcribe 20 minutes of audio for free. There’s then pay as you go pricing

Other Features

The automatic transcribing software is reported to be around 95% accurate. Once your audio or video’s been transcribed, you can edit it using Transcribears editing software to make sure that it reads well. You’ll also be able to add tags to your text so that you know who’s speaking and use a spellchecker to get everything exactly right.

Another great feature of Transcribear is that there’s a free live transcriber where you can dictate notes or even a book, and it will be converted into a text file.


If you’re searching for a fantastic transcribing service don’t hesitate to use Transcriber, their modern speech to text software will make transcribing video and audio files simple.

There are also several other benefits of using the software; you’ll no longer have to switch between multiple files of webpages when transcribing your text. With Transcribear, everything is available in one place. The service is also private and confidently, all files are encrypted so they won’t be seen by other users. Transcribear also allows for faster annotations to be created. You’ll be able to personalise your annotation scheme and add tags to hotkeys with ease. Use the pay as you go option on the Transcribear’s website to transcribe your text today, or contact the company for a quote if you have a more substantial amount of data that you need to transcribe.

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