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Posted by on November 5, 2018

The ‘protocol’ is an art of combining common sense with good manners for making effective communication. It finds wide application in state funerals, coronation ceremonies, and organizations. The protocol officers in an organization manage the diplomatic events, complex protocol and ‘cross-cultural’ subtleties for negotiating on a global level. He even cultivates diplomatic leadership for inspiring guests, clients, and colleagues.

The Protocol Officer Creates an Environment of Cross-Cultural Harmony

Protocol Dubai

The main objective of the protocol officer is to build an environment which is free from all kinds of ‘cross-cultural’ distractions. He trains the team so that they can create this harmonious environment and ensure all parties are comfortable. As he is responsible for supporting and building mutual understanding among the dignitaries and coordinating the duties among the foreign-service officers he must be a resilient negotiator.

The professional protocol training Dubai course is a 5-day certification program that provides solution-based, personalized training programs on cross-cultural basics. Thus this training program appreciably helps in shaping the career of a professional diplomat.

International Relations in the Protocol Training Program Helps in Becoming Diplomat

Protocol Training Courses

A professional diplomat helps in protecting the interests of a nation in terms of consular services, trade, and politics. He acts as a link between the home country and the country he is about to represent. He thereby reports and collects all information that can affect the interests of a nation. He mediates, discusses and negotiates with ‘local government’ issues related to trade, war, peace, economics, commerce, cultural and social aspects.

International Relations provide great insights into public policies, political affairs, social issues, economic trends, law etc. Knowledge of all these subjects is required to become a professional diplomat. The international protocol training Dubai course includes training on international relations and helps in shaping the career of a ‘professional diplomat’.

Protocol Training Course Teaches Diplomatic Leadership

Protocol Training

A well-trained protocol officer guides the members of a team on the leadership skills and knows how to work effectively with the co-workers to create an atmosphere of harmony. He teaches the team the practices of effective leadership and how to know about emotional intelligence. He teaches how to understand, tackle and perceive the emotions. The protocol training course in Dubai teaches diplomatic leadership required for becoming a diplomat.

Thus the importance of the international protocol training certification in Dubai cannot be overlooked. From guiding the team members on leadership skills to making members aware of the various protocol levels for providing hospitality to the dignitaries, the course offers everything.  You can take up this course and skyrocket your career as a professional diplomat.


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