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Posted by on May 20, 2020


Much has changed in the music world in the last ten or fifteen years. In the old days, an artist had to hone their craft and expect to be discovered at a local concert, or hope to be very lucky and meet someone in the music promotion business who would take the time to get to know them and appreciate their talent.

Well, that is no longer the norm. Sure, it can still happen, but the odds are even worse than they were back then. That probably sounds like bad news, huh? Well, it really isn’t. Why? Because there are so many more opportunities for artists to connect with their fans and so many options to promote now, you don’t have to wait to be discovered. Now you have a choice to make your own luck, and as far as this author is concerned, it’s a fantastic place to be.

Of course, that means a lot of hard work, maybe more hard work than before. Because now you have to be an artist and promoter, creative talent and a business person. But as I like to say, and really believe, no great reward comes without great sacrifice. It’s nice that way, because it means that when you do, you’ve certainly earned it.

So what I would like to do in this article is talk about 4 things that every new artist should do and know when they are starting. Even better, these four principles can be maintained throughout your career, no matter how great it may be.

Tip # 1 – You must have a dream

This is not negotiable, boys. If you want something in life, especially something you don’t have right now, and something that will take a lot of work and dedication, you’d better make it a dream. Our dreams are the ones we examine the most and suffer the most.

And what is a dream? Is it just a wish for something, a wish? No, a dream is a mixture of desire and need, a clear goal backed by a strong and almost overwhelming emotional need. Dreams are not just things we want, they are things we have to have or we will simply die! When you can turn your music career into that kind of desire, you will have taken a big step toward success.

Tip # 2 – Try to be unique

I heard singer Franky Beverly say at an awards show once you should never fall in love with the flavor of the week. Do what you feel. That has stuck with me because it is exactly what I think. I didn’t get into music, and I fell in love with it when I was a child so I could copy someone else and lose myself in a sea of ​​the same.

I have quite a different sound. Sure, he’s been influenced by a variety of Wellingtamusic styles, from rock to pop, from reggae to hip hop. But I don’t intend to copy something or try to sound like everyone else. And you shouldn’t either.

There is nothing wrong with creating a song that seems to fit well with the current sounds of your genre, that will surely happen. There is a fine line between fit and duplicate. Sometimes it is difficult, but it is possible. Think of all the great artists you have liked over the years and how different their sounds are. And yet, how all his work has its own flavor, a flavor that you can choose. That is the best way to go when creating your songs.

Tip # 3 – Learn the business

As I said before, when you are independent, you have to wear all the hats, at least for a while. Eventually, you can connect with a small record label, or a group, or some people who can complement your talents with theirs. But whatever happens, you must know all aspects of your trade.

That means you need to be more than a lyricist and musician. You should also know engineering. Know how to mix and master your songs. You must learn the business side of things, how to treat yourself as a business and negotiate rates and maintain accounts, etc. And you really should understand marketing. Marketing is at least as important as your talent, maybe more, because marketing is the way you present yourself and make people love you.

Marketing, publishing, and engineering may not be the fun parts of music, but they will ensure that when you get on that stage, there are plenty of fans screaming to enjoy what you have to offer them.

Posted in: Best Service


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