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Posted by on August 16, 2020

It is something that people may not be very familiar with, but the end result will be much better and it will be a less painful process overall.
What it is
Eyebrow threading is a technique that was once used exclusively in the nations of the Middle and Far East. It had historical significance (for example, in ancient Persia, when a woman undergoes this particular process, it signifies her adulthood in their culture). It was also used in India and is now circulating throughout the Western world.
What makes it so attractive is the fact that it is not just a single strand of hair, like when you use an instrument to pluck your eyebrows one by one. What it does is clear entire lines of hair and allows you more control over the shape and finishes your process in record time; You don’t have to bother using your tweezing device ever unwanted hairs.
How is it done
It is not particularly that difficult. All you have to do is use a fine, twisted, pure cotton thread. When you have that, just run it through all the messy lines of unwanted hair that you want to disappear. The thread will pull the hair out at the follicle level, which is made better by the fact that you won’t have to bother doing it over and over every few weeks, as will be the case when tweezing or something like that.
One of the reservations people may have about brow threading is the fact that it is particularly painful. This is reasonable due to the fact that you are basically pulling out hair lines. However, with practice, you will become more accurate with the whole process and you won’t have to endure as much pain with the whole process.
Where is it made
If you want to find the eyebrow threading process yourself but want to hire an expert to do it, what are you going to do? Well, you have to go to a salon and order a khite or a fatlah, which is Arabic for the word threading. They will then direct you to someone who does and you will be one step closer to those beautiful lashes you wish to have.
Posted in: Best Service


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