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Posted by on July 14, 2020

Dry cleaners are a specialized type of laundry service that cleans clothes that are unsuitable for cleaning with regular laundry. Clothes made from delicate fabrics and garments, such as suits and coats, are often marked as ‘dry clean only’, indicating that they can be damaged if you try to wash them yourself or take them to a regular laundry.
Dry cleaning uses special solvents instead of water to clean clothes and remove stains. The clothes are placed in a machine that looks like a normal washing machine with a rotating drum. When the cycle starts, the machine is filled with solvent that dissolves dirt and stains on the fabric. After several rinses with the solvent, the clothes are centrifuged with hot air that dries the clothes and evaporates the remaining do your laundry.
Garments made from delicate fabrics such as silk should generally be sent to a dry cleaner instead of washing at home, as a normal washing process will damage the fibers and leave watermarks on the clothing. Very fine fabrics such as chiffon or fine muslin should also be dry-cleaned or hand-washed as they can easily break in a normal washing machine. Thick garments made of wool fabric, such as coats and suit jackets, are also candidates for dry cleaning, as they can shrink or warp if washed with water. Any special finish on a garment such as pleats or pressed pleats can also be kept by having a professional clean and press the item.
In addition to items marked ‘dry clean only’, using a dry cleaner can be a way to remove stubborn stains from clothes left after a normal wash cycle. Grease stains in particular are more easily removed with a solvent than with water and detergent.
Even small towns will generally have at least one dry cleaner and generally run businesses very efficiently that are convenient for busy people. If you own lots of clothes that require dry cleaning or need an item to be cleaned and returned quickly, same day dry cleaning can be very helpful. These services allow you to drop off your clothes in the morning and pick them up, clean them, and be ready to wear them again later that day. Some cleaners even offer a pick-up and drop-off service to avoid the hassle of carrying items yourself.
Posted in: Best Service


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