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7 Best Tips For Beginning Teachers

Being a teacher is not an easy task, and more so if you are a beginning teacher who begins in this world of teaching to give his first classes.

No matter the modality you face: private classes, online classes, face-to-face classes…

Standing in front of a student or a classroom full of them is always imposing.

Preparing and planning classes in advance will lower your anxiety and nervousness. Do not give room to improvisation and make your classes a success. Take good notes and put them into practice!

1. Update the knowledge in your subject

Staying up-to-date is essential to answering the concerns of your students. Keep your subject and knowledge updated with the latest news in the sector, interesting news, and relevant people within the field.

If you put this tip into practice, you will be able to answer questions that are not on the agenda and you will make your classes more enjoyable.

Do not forget to tell an anecdote. Of course, as up to date as possible.

2. Speak when students are silent

Earn the respect of your students, stare at those who do not stop talking, and speak only when they have calmed down and are silent.

Only with a silent class will you get them to hear you and start the learning process. Normally in the first minutes, there is always more commotion, wait a bit, it is worth it. Class time will be more productive if you can keep the atmosphere calm.

3. Provides flexibility and cooperation in classes

Allow your students to give their opinion, respect their opinion and make them have critical thinking about the topics covered.

Think that you are training the professionals of the future. Beyond the agenda, it is important that they begin to form their opinion of things.

Be flexible in submitting assignments or taking exams, understand their concerns and concerns.

For example, in specific tasks it allows them to choose how they are presented.

4. New technologies are your allies

Today, there are numerous tools for education and teaching to draw on them.

Do not think that ICT (Information and Communications Technology) will replace you, make them your best ally: Internet, online books, attractive presentations and long etcetera to get your students to learn in the most enjoyable and intuitive way possible.

Furthermore, 98% of the students will use ICT in their professional positions in the future. The sooner they start using them the better to develop their technology skills. There plenty of online platforms that offer online tutors and homework helper jobs. You can join them if you feel uncomfortable facing students directly in your statement. That should definitely give a boost to your overall teaching abilities.

There are numerous resources that you can use in your classes, as well as recommend their use to your students.

5. Plan your classes and prepare the syllabus previously

If you plan your classes and prepare the syllabus thoroughly, improvisation will not take place. That will help calm your nerves and the classes are much more productive.

Follow a calendar and an agenda with the classes you have scheduled and prepare them a few days before. In addition, take the opportunity to solve the doubts of your students who were left in the dark.

6. Natural voice tone and non-verbal communication

Although it seems obvious, if you force your voice you will easily lose it and have problems with the vocal cords.

Try to use a soft, slow, and natural tone of voice. Your students will surely appreciate it! And, going back to tip number 2, speak when they are silent.

A raised voice creates a negative and stressful environment, not conducive to learning and teaching.

The non – verbal communication can also be a great ally in your early school days. As a beginning teacher, we advise you to maintain eye contact with your students, raise your hand, etc.

The sum of both, natural tone of voice and non-verbal communication, will undoubtedly make your students more attentive.

7. Ask and seek advice from veteran teachers

If you have doubts, you can always ask for advice from teachers who have been practicing the profession for a longer time and who have more experience in teaching classes in your area.

Talk to them about the individual and group functioning of the students, take an interest in the different profiles that make up the class.

Work as a team and cooperate with the rest of the tutors to get to know your students better and thus apply quality teaching appropriate to the level and subject you teach.

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