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You can really create the positive affirmation that you want. What your body and heart ask of you and that suits you.

Just for an example, if you want to change or improve in yourself the energy and vibration that you transmit, this would be the statement that I would make:

“Every day I feel happier and my vibration is higher and higher”

If you want to have a very positive relationship and focus only on the positive, it would be something like this:

“My relationship with him/her ( or your friend-family member) is becoming good every day and we are very happy”

If you wish you could change that belief that paying debts is difficult, I would say this statement:

“It is very easy for me to earn money with what I like to do and I’m free from all debts”

If you want a job in a specific place very much, I would do it like this:

“I deserve to work in_____ and it is very easy for me to get it”

Stop saying that getting rich is very difficult and change it to the following:

“For me, it is really easy to get rich”

These are just a few examples of how I would do it, if you sound or feel something incredible with these affirmations, use them.

To create the words of affirmation you want and as many times as you think necessary.

My intention with this article is to inspire and motivate you, so I want to share with you the powerful statements that have brought me so much magic.

1. I___ (name) deserve to be respected and loved.

2. I ______ only manifest positive thoughts.

3. It is very easy for me to get what I want.

4. I love myself very much and deserve the best.

5. It is very easy for me to solve any problem.

6. I _____ make the right decisions for me.

7. The Universe listens to me and supports me.

8. Negative thoughts do not mean anything, I transmute them into the light.

9. I deserve the best of the best.

10. I am a healthy and happy person.

11. I have everything I need to be happy.

12. I deserve prosperity and have abundant money.

13. Money is my friend and the value of my investments grows every day.

14. It is easy for me to attract love to my life.

15. I ______ can achieve what I set out to do.

16. I _____ live in the present.

17. My peace of mind is my priority.

18. All situations are temporary.

19. My life is full of beautiful surprises.

20. I trust myself, I can do it.

These are some of the positive words of affirmation that have helped me, accompanied me, and for which I am where I am right now.

Remember that in addition to being constant, affirmations can accompany you forever and at all stages of your life.

When you feel that they start to work for you, do not let them continue, create new ones, and maintain that state of connection with you and the Universe.

Even saying words of affirmation when you feel in a stage of great fulfillment and happiness brings you much more than what you are feeling.

I like to write affirmations 21 and 21 times in my notebook.

Also for a whole month, repeat them 3 times in front of the mirror before sleeping and then take a glass of water.

You decide what suits you and your situation.

The point of the affirmations is that little by little you feel connected with you, happy and in a state of fullness and so then you can notice how you and your environment are improving.

Since I discovered the power that the words of affirmation have, I have not left them, they give me security and I manage to transform my reality.

I propose a challenge

If this is your first time with affirmations then I think this challenge will work for you from day one, this is how I did it several times when I started.

This will be a 30-day challenge.

The rules for this challenge are as follows:

  1. Have a journal or a notebook for your affirmations.
  2. Make a list of your qualities.
  3. Create a statement or choose one that fits you.
  4. Write the affirmation in your journal.
  5. Every day for 30 days you will do the following:

You should say your affirmation before sleeping or waking up for 5 minutes in front of the mirror.

Drink at least 1.5L of water a day.

Feel the affirmation and if necessary put your hand on the heart to say it with more force.

You should share with someone, be it your friend, your mom, your social networks, a phrase about how you feel (every day you will feel different emotions). Telling someone else makes them witnesses to our challenge and it is easier to fulfill.

Record in your journal the changes you experience day by day.

Proposing it as a challenge forces us to really make it a habit and not do it one day if and another not.

The important thing is to be constant in order to see the changes.


An affirmation, as a rule, is a trusting statement of perceived truth. And you should definitely use them to bring some changes to your current life. These powerful words of affirmations have changed many lives, so you must try them at least once in your life.

The repetition of this type of truth, in the form of positive affirmations, helps to make significant changes in your life.

The mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is not.

Then you can create the life you want. These affirmations have worked for me a lot and for a long time.

I hope I can inspire and motivate you to take that step to achieve incredible things and realize that everything is possible. Just like in the Peter Pan fairies you have to believe the statements you say.

Remember that you can write to me on my social networks or in the comments.

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