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Home Improvement

How Often Should You Clean Your Windows?

Window cleaning can be a tedious and time-consuming task for someone who is not a window cleaner. It’s a moderately pleasant task, but one that should be done regularly. But what exactly does regular mean? How often should you clean your windows so that you can enjoy clean windows at all times? This is what we will discuss in this article.

How often should you clean your windows in a year?

Obviously, there are no guidelines to follow. These are just good practices that will help you keep your windows clean and make them easier to maintain (the less dirty and grimy the windows are, the less difficult it is to clean them).

When it comes to window cleaning, it is difficult to give a general trend. Indeed, the frequency of cleaning will be different whether you live in the city or in the country, in a house or a flat, whether you have children or not…

The key is to understand that the more dirt you have, the more difficult it is to remove. That’s why quick but regular cleaning is the best way to keep your windows clean. And if you find that windows cleaning is not your cup of tea, you better reach out to Erhvervsrengøring for your windows cleaning work for your home and office.

But as you can see, not everyone is equally exposed to pollution and the parameters that influence the cleanliness of their windows. Here are some “typical” situations with our minimum recommendations.

A flat in the city

If you live in the city centre, it is the proximity of the road that makes a big difference. The particles from combustion engines will not do you any favours. Your windows will get dirty more quickly and an abnormally high amount of dirt will be deposited on your windows.

Another aspect to take into account is your proximity to the ground. The higher you are on the floor, the less exposed you are. For example, a ground floor will require more maintenance than a 4th floor. This is especially true since some windows are at “pedestrian height”. A characteristic that can also lead to nuisance…

In this situation, monthly maintenance should prevent dirt from taking over.

A house in the country

When you are away from the pollution of the cities you are obviously less exposed. But while industrial pollution and car engines will not affect you, other forms of pollution do exist.

The number one enemy of windows in the countryside is pollen. Pollen clogs the windows and attaches itself to them. We can regularly see the results on car windows. Getting rid of this type of pollution is not difficult, but will require regular attention.

Another problem your windows face in the countryside is insects and birds. Here too, a simple look at a car will tell you what kind of dirt it is. The advantage is that it is usually not necessary to wash the entire glass surface. Tackling only the dirty part is often sufficient.

Cleaning your windows once every 2 or 3 months will be more than enough if you regularly do a light cleaning of a particular stain or dirt.

With or without children?

The question of children is obviously crucial when it comes to window cleaning. Because as you know, our charming little ones have the annoying habit of putting their fingers and even their mouths on the windows of the house. Sometimes they even do both to get a little steam on them and draw a little man in the process…

Children love to play with windows. Unfortunately, this will require much more regular maintenance on your part. In this case, it is difficult to give a suitable frequency as it will depend on how much fun your child has drawing stick figures…

In any case, the presence of a child often leads to more regular cleaning, a bit like a multiplier…

To clean or have your windows cleaned?

As you can see, keeping your windows spotless all year round requires regular attention. If your schedule does not allow you to do so or if you simply do not want to devote your free time to housework, do not hesitate to contact a specialist.

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