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Should You Do A Magnet Fishing In Canal?

Many people raise this question: Can magnet fishing be done in a canal? well if you’re looking for an answer, you’ve come to the right place. Magnetic fishing requires nothing more than a strong magnet and a sturdy long rope. It is a quite interesting and pocket-friendly hobby. You also don’t need any expert knowledge of this.

When you are looking for metallic stuff of value, you should do magnet fishing in canals that pass through cities and towns. You will always be able to get something or the other when you choose to do toss the magnet in a canal close to a town with a rich history.

Chances are high that people must have discarded their valuables in such places years ago. You might get your hands on something that is priceless! Choosing a canal for magnet fishing is, therefore, a good idea.

Now, for the uninitiated, it is essential to know that there are two types of canals – aqueducts and waterways.

While aqueducts are used for the transportation of water for human consumption and irrigation, waterways are used to transport cargo and ships. One waterway gets connected to other waterways leading to rivers and even the ocean.

Therefore, it is quite logical to say that waterway canals are ideal for the activity of magnet fishing and aqueducts are not meant for it because the water gets filtered out.

Cons of using a canal for magnet fishing

While canals are great for magnet fishing, there is one drawback. They have structures like drains, valves, and pipes and it is quite possible for your magnet to get stuck on any of them.

Objects found in the past

Magnet fishing in canals has made people find several objects like bicycles, safe, jewelry boxes, bullets, guns, hand-grenades, motorcycles, tools and the like. Some people have been lucky enough to find cash boxes with gold in it and ammunitions of the world war one era that have a lot of value. This indicates that you should also choose a canal that has some war history attached to it.

Is it legal to do magnet fishing in canals?

In case you are unsure about magnet fishing in canals being legal, you should check with the local governing body. As rules keep changing from time to time, it is quite important to get a clear picture. In a way, the activity is environment-friendly because it gets rid of metallic trash from water bodies. As it does not disturb humans or land, it is legal.  However, not everyone thinks that way.

In the UK it is controversial to do magnet fishing. A part of the population thinks that canals are owned by the governing body or by an individual. Therefore, the objects found inside the canals belong to them and you need to seek their permission before you do magnet fishing.

To be legally safeguarded, you must ask the owner of the area or the authorized governing body before going ahead with the activity in the canal.

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