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Tips for Taking Care of Your Hair Extensions

For many women, treating their hair extensions can be a tricky issue. However, those strands of hair that contribute to your charm, can be maintained with the greatest care. With the use of a few simple and practical tips, extensions become an undeniable beauty asset. We tell you more through this article.

Using the right care for your hair extensions

Keeping your hair extensions as supple and soft as when they started? It’s possible! For this, you will have to start by using the right care for your extensions. It is important to know that it is advisable to use a special shampoo for hair extensions. Then, when washing your extensions, avoid rubbing the lengths too vigorously, and wash your extensions lengthwise.

Then, apply a conditioner going up from the root to the tip of the extensions. You can after that, put a mask on the lengths and ends. In case you don’t have a special hair extension shampoo, go for a silicone-free shampoo. At the same time, you can apply oil or a keratin mask once or twice a week. This will help to nourish the hair deeply. Among other suggestions for extension oils, the coconut oil, argan oil, or castor oil.

Basically, these are important advice that you get from a good salon like Touched by an angel, when you get there and have your hair extension done. If your salon doesn’t suggest some tips regarding caring for your hair extensions, then probably that is not good at their work, and you need to switch your salon right away.

Have the right daily actions for your hair extensions

To properly maintain your hair extensions, you have to apply good gestures on a daily basis.

Take care of your extensions in the evening

We advise you to wash your hair with a special extension shampoo. Once or twice a week, do not hesitate to apply a moisturizer. Be sure to spread the moisturizer lengthwise. The product should not be put on the roots for fear of slipping into the attachment point and damaging the extensions. It is also very important to rinse the extensions thoroughly after cleaning.

Before going to bed, don’t forget to untangle your extensions with a soft bristle brush. For this purpose, you could opt for brushes made of boar bristles, which are more convenient for brushing extensions.

In case your extensions are tangled, spray them with a detangling spray. This will allow you to brush them. However, it is highly recommended that you braid your hair overnight, after detangling it.

Take care of your extensions in the morning

When you wake up, all you have to do is undo your braid and run the brush through your hair. If you have a few knots, use a special hair extension detangling spray to untangle them.

For brushing, we recommend that you start at the tip of the hair and work your way up to the roots. The hair should be brushed very gently to avoid pulling on the attachment point.

Dry your hair extensions properly

At the stage of drying extensions, just like brushing, you have to go with care. To do this, we recommend wrapping your hair in a towel. Then let the towel absorb the excess water. During the operation, avoid wrinkling the strands or rubbing your scalp. This, for about fifteen minutes. Finally, use a cold air hairdryer to dry your extensions for at least 30 minutes.

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